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My Best Friend and His Older Brother: A True Story

by Sean Doyle

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I was pretty young at the time.

I told my friend that a had a huge foot fetish and he took it to his advantage. He and his brother and father had the sexiest feet in the entire world. I always admired them. When my friend wanted something and I said no he told me that I could rub his feet for a certain amount of time.

One day I was in my room bouncing a ball off the wall. The phone rang. It was Stefan, my friend. He told me he had a big emergency and he needed my help. I asked my dad to drive me over and when I got there I met him in his brothers room. I was told to lock the door behind me which I did and then I heard a command to strip down to my boxers. At first I was con fused but then I saw my friend in his boxers laying flat on his back. His brother Sebastian was standing over him in leather boots. I was really confused until I heard Stefan say yes master.

At this point I knew exactly what was happening. His brother was making us his slaves. Now that I was caught up I lay down next to Stefan, at that second I was commanded to be a foot stool. I thought it to be for Sebastian but I was totally wrong. I heard a knock at the door I thought I would have to put my clothes on but I wasn't instructed so I didn't. Their father walked in not knowing what was happening. He asked what was happening and Sebastian explained that because the two days I slept over the week before me and Stefan were snooping in his room.

I thought there father would disapprove but once again I was wrong. Their father who I would later call lord flopped on the bed putting his feet up on me. Sebastian locked the door again and joined his father on the bed. After about ten minutes there father told me and Stefan that I was slave one, Stefan slave two, Sebastian master, and himself lord.

"Slave two get your fucking ass over here. You're going to clean my feet with your tongue." Now as I said before Stefan knew I had a foot fetish but he wasn't supposed to tell. Under the circumstances and me knowing Stefan I gave him a nod and he blurted out my secret. Both my master and lord did not seem surprised.

"You didn't think I wouldn't do my research before I enslaved you did you" stated master. Under the new circumstances I wouldn't be able to trade positions with Stefan he would have to do this one himself. I was then instructed to get an ottoman and start to clean lords feet. This was my dream and before I knew it it had be an hour. Lord stood up and said that the next thing he would do would be disturbing except for me. Master and Stefan looked puzzled but I knew exactly what was happening lord unzipped his pants and stuck out his 9 inch cock. I was to suck this cock until he blew his load off. Master copied lord but then Stefan stood up and said "I am not your slave and you can't make me suck your dirty cocks."

With a look of evil in his eye lord stated "Fine you won't be our foot slave but you will be the maid, who does our laundry, makes us dinner, and prepares our feet when we are ready for slave one. The procedure to prepare our feet will be given after our cocks our sucked dry" Since I was only twelve I had no idea what sucked dry meant. When I sucked lords 9 inch I thought it shouldn't taste like anything but it tasted of skin. Then I got nervous when he blew his load in my mouth. He told me I was in for a sweet treat, but it was so sour. When I was twelve I was a picky eater all I ate we're chicken fingers and hot dogs. This was like hell to me. I hated lemonade rather than cum. When I sucked Sebastian's 8 inch he came in my mouth and his was sweet.

After this was all over they gave the predations procedures. They instructed Stefan that since it was summer Sebastion would go outside for his morning run, and he would make it 10 minutes longer every day for more sweat in his shoe, then he would come back to a footstool aka. me, with a warm towel waiting next to the bed. He would lay back for a quick nap on the bed and during this time he would be stripped to his boxers by Stefan and have clean clothes next to the bed. After his nap he would still lay down while Stefan puts on his deodorant and combs his hair. He would then begin being serviced by me.

The procedure for lord would be to come home from work be stripped naked and hop in the shower. He would the go to his room where Stefan would be waiting with a towel to wrap me in. After I had been wrapped I would be taped so I couldn't unravel myself and I would hop down to the basement. I would be placed in the corner. I would wait for lord to come down and use me as his chair. He would flip on the TV for an hour and then begin being serviced by me.

Since lord and his wife had gotten divorced for about two weeks he asked my father if I could stay over for a few days since Stefan and master were pretty bummed and I cheered them p. this continued every day for a week until finally I was able to go home but I am to stay the weekend every night for the exception of health plans and family issues. From then on I was my two idols foot slave and I loved it for about two years then I was in hell. After being sat on 600 times I got annoyed but was being blackmailed into being there slave. They threatened to tell the whole world my secrets. And I have more than 1. So if you know any of these people please go over one weekend and get them arrested for slavery.