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A True Trampling Tale

by Jarred B

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(This is a true story of a trampling experience I once had with a friend that went further than I could have imagined...)

Craig was a guy I had wanted to stand on me for a very long time, he was short, stocky and had a touch of arrogance about him that suggested he might just enjoy it if he tried it - so when we were invited to a wedding without either of our partners, I decided this was my chance.

We agreed to share a hotel room for the night and met at the train station that morning. Craig was already dressed in his clothes for the wedding, shirt collar sticking out over a blue jumper, black trousers and nice, smart black shoes. I hadn't expected him to look like that but welcomed it nonetheless - it was always a fantasy to get stood on by a guy in office clothing and this would do.

I started putting my plan into action as soon as we started the two hour train journey. I was going to use the age old trick of a hurt back and see if he would walk on it and then we would go from there. Not a great plan but what the hell.

So throughout the journey I kept doing little stretches of my back but to be honest I don't think he noticed. I didn't want to be too upfront and I was a bit nervous too but I carried on with it nonetheless. I was determined to try and see this through, there had been plans before with others but I always gave up.

Eventually, we arrived and went to the room. We had about an hour to kill before leaving so I took a big gulp of air and set off with my plan.

"I'm just going to lie on the floor for a bit and stretch my back out before we go," I said as I made my way to the space at the bottom of the beds.

Craig's face a was a bit puzzled but he said, "yeah alright mate, you want a cup of tea."
"That would be great." I was fairly excited as the kettle was on the table next to where I was lying but Craig managed to make both cups without even hinting at standing on me, I did get a nice close up of his shoes though.

I'd moved onto my front after a while stretching out my back when Craig asked: "So what's up with your back?"

"Oh, it just does this every now and then, it plays up but it will be alright in a few weeks, it's just annoying that's all."

"That's a pain, nothing caused it?"

"No, not really, I've always had a bit of a problem with it." This was my chance, I stalled for a moment, shaking a little, and then said: "There is something that helps it."
"yeah? What's that?"

I started now I had to finish. "A few years ago a mate of mine stood on it for a while, said it really helped him when he had a bad back. I mean, it sounds weird, I know, and you can say no it's a bit odd but..."

"You want me to stand on you?" The fact he interrupted me surprised me.
"Well, only if you don't mind, I know it sounds...."

"Yeah ok. Let me just take my shoes off," oh my God, he is actually going to do it and he wants to, he couldn't say yes quick enough. But he is taking his shoes off, that's ok - that would be weird if I asked him to keep them on.
Suddenly, he was there, beside me. Me still face down.

He lifted his foot up, "where shall I put it?" There I said pointing to the small of my back, getting a little impatient.

His right foot touched down in his dark blue socks, "how much weight?" "All of it." Do it already and then he did...

Suddenly Craig's two feet were on my lower back, side by side. The weight was fantastic, not to heavy, not too light, but thrilling.

"What should I do?" He says, twisting in place.

"Just sort of walk on the spot." And so he started trampling my lower back, leaning on the chair next to the table for support. He wasn't very confident... yet...and was only really shifting his weight rather than lifting his feet but I didn't care, he was on me and I could stay like this forever.

"How much do you weigh Craig," I ask.

"Dunno mate, you tell me," he says looking down with a grin. I would have guessed somewhere around 80kg.

It stayed this way for a few minutes before he suddenly stood off - I had forgotten this wasn't supposed to go on too long. "That enough?" he said with one foot still on my back.
It was all I could do to stop myself screaming no. "Just do it facing down the back now with.."

"Like this?" Again, with surprising eagerness he stood up on me, feet either side of my spine looking down toward my legs.

"Yeah, that's good." There was a mirror in front of me that gave a perfect view of him trampling me and seeming to enjoy it. I couldn't believe this had worked.

"Might as well read this hotel magazine while I am here," His trampling was getting a bit harder now, maybe because he was concentrating on reading bits of the magazine to me. I feigned interest but was loving the fact he was trampling me without really noticing anymore - like I was just the floor under his feet.

"Can you do up here for a little bit Craig," I then said, pointing to the top of my back.
"Yeah, ok," and in one swift move his left foot was firmly between my shoulder blades and the other next to it and off he went again.

I think this was my favourite position as occasionally his foot would stray onto my neck or the other one would cause my back to crack - which I am not sure he noticed as he was still reading the magazine. He did turn to look down at me at one point and had an almost look of disregard on his face - knowing this was more than just fixing my dodgy back.

After what must have been 10 minutes in total, he got off again. "Enough?"

"Just do the bottom bit again as that's where it's worse and then we are done," I was going to eek this out as long as I could but expected him to say no.

"Ok." And before I knew it his whole weight was on me again, I swear he was enjoying this as much as me. This time he was more confident and his feet were going an inch off my back with every step, he was properly marching. My jumper and t-shirt had ridden up a little too so that the sock of his right foot was stepping directly on my skin. Because he had been wearing his shoes all day it was a bit sweaty and I could feel it squelch every time he put his weight on it.

After another five minutes, I had to say enough was enough. As much as I could have stayed there forever it was going to get weird if we did anymore and he might suspect something.
He got off and I rolled over onto my back.

"Thanks for that, it feels a lot better,"

"No, problem." I thought that would be the end of it but suddenly Craig said, "You reckon your stomach could take my weight as well." And he placed his right foot lightly on it.

WHAT?? This is amazing - he wants to stand on me. I was amazed my trousers weren't giving me away but I seemed to be ok.

"Umm, yeah I should think so,"

"Let's see shall we?" And without waiting for an answer all his weight was on that right foot, squishing my stomach down, it was amazing. He stayed like that for a few seconds, holding the left foot in the air.

"Not bad, they're pretty strong muscles you got there," and to my amazement he started bouncing a little on that one foot.

"Ooof," I let out trying to appear I hadn't dreamed of this for years, "yeah my stomach muscles aren't too bad."

Finally, he put his left foot down on my chest and looked down at me, with all his weight on my body and a smile on his face that showed he was enjoying himself.

"I used to play rugby a lot when I was younger and one of my favourite parts was
trampling people as part of a ruck - you could stand on them and it was legal, I loved it."
I couldn't believe he was just talking to me casually while standing on me.

"How long do you reckon I can stand here?" he said with a mocking grin.

"As long as you like mate - I'm interested to see how long I can hold your weight. Why don't you take a little bit of a walk?"

"Don't mind if I do."

And suddenly he was properly trampling me, walking up and down on my stomach and then turning to face me and moving on to my chest, doing a 180 and walking back down on to my stomach. It hurt slightly but a good slightly. I hoped he wouldn't stand between my legs and find what was there.

He turned back to me and lifted himself on to his toes on my stomach. "ha ha ha you're quite good at this."

"As are you it would seem, you done this before to people?" I asked.

"Nah not for this long. Always wondered what it would be like to have a guy under my big feet, that's all, and know I know."
"And, what do you think?"

"I love it," he started to kneel down so his feet really sunk into my stomach and I showed some strain on my face.

"ha ha, that's what I like, my slave showing some pain." Did he just call me his slave? Wow.

Despite that he didn't let up and just smiled as I let out a little groan before patting me on the chest and saying 'good boy'.

Suddenly he was upright again and walking on to my chest, looking down at me from a great height.

"So, I think I have trampled just about every bit of your torso now, you've done well."
"Thanks, but there's somewhere else you could stand on, my head," stuff it. I was going for broke now this had already gone far better than planned.

"Haha, really? Won't it crush it, I wouldn't want your brains all over the floor?"
"No, I think I will be ok, saw a youtube vid once of a guy much bigger than you doing it to someone smaller than me."

He shrugged and said, "ok," with a big smile on his face.

I turned my head to the right and felt his socked right foot come to rest over my ear.
"Ready?" But before waiting for an answer all that weight was suddenly on that foot before the other sweaty sock came to rest with my nose supporting it.

"Wooh," I heard a muffled cheer from above before he stepped off after a few seconds.
I had just a second to breathe and was about to turn face up again when the foot planted down on the side of my head and his full weight was on me again - this was unbelievable.
He stepped on to my chest and turned to look at me.

"haha, you like my sweaty socks on the side of your face? Your ear's gone all red under my weight."

I smiled up at him.

"I never knew you were this vicious?"

"Oh, I can be more vicious, let's see how your face handles it."

Suddenly his right foot was raised high in the air and coming down toward my left eye - blocking the lights slowly as it touched down. The scent was fantastic, musky but not too much. Craig looked down at me with a smile and a little wave and then all his weight was on that right foot as he lifted the other up. I struggled to keep my head straight before the left foot landed, pushing my head into the carpet and squishing my nose. I thought he would only stay a second but he carried on.

He even started to shift his feet slightly and I realised he had picked up the magazine again and was reading while stood on my face - "you know this is their second biggest hotel in England?"

I couldn't stand it anymore - this guy was standing on my face like it was nothing and reading. I shot my load, the biggest load I have ever shot.

I heard a giggle and Craig stood back on my chest, looking down at me with a smile, "shall we get ready for the wedding now?"

And with that, he turned around on my chest, placed his big left foot on my cock and heard the squelch as he walked full weight off it into the bathroom, leaving me wondering what would happen once he had had a few drinks later...