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Uncle and Nephew Games - Part 1

by Angel Lopez

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It is common that on many occasions when you meet someone else who shares your foot or tickle fetish the following question arises: How was the fetish done to you? Since when do you like them? Why?


Well, more than one friend was surprised to know "my beginnings in tickling"


I owe all this to my uncle, I will tell you a little about him. First of all his physique, he is tall, measuring 6.5 ft, at that time he was in his best shape, muscular, stocky, hairy, with a skin tone of brown but not black, but tan, he worked in the police, wearing the 12 in shoes and his feet are not deformed like those of many who exercise or have hard work, they were and still are beautiful even now, fleshy and long but well-rounded toes, with a light skin tone on the soles of the feet separating it from the brown from the rest; He was sweating a lot because he was wearing those boot-type shoes they wear at work, but that's why he took care of them, so that he had soft and smooth skin. He was not the most handsome man but with his body hair he was a very attractive person.


At that time I was 5 years old and he was about 30 years old, but he is one of those people who seems older, I was a small child of size and did not know about feet or tickles like now haha. From that age, my uncle and I started a game of just him and me, that game was of course "tickle fights" although it wasn't really fights, rather he suddenly tickled me until I begged for mercy and then I had to take revenge on him, that was our dynamic, an endless tickle revenge between the two. With his immense body size he always managed to tickle my entire body, he regularly did not care about the place, family gatherings or weekend visits, when we were alone in a room we had fun, what drove me the most was when he started to make fun of me with his:


- Coochie coochie coo, poor helpless child, coochie coochie coochie…. Tell me what I want to hear, what? Do you want more tickle? Coochie coochie coo-

-hahahahaha Nooooo - Many times my voice was gone with laughter - Mercy! Piety! - But he stopped making me when he wanted.


Meanwhile, for my part, it was the hardest part for me, when it was my turn to tickle him, because we didn't always see each other, but as I said, when the family got together or I went to visit his house, it was when we could, In addition, he had the habit of going to bed and always got comfortable, this implied taking off his shirt, shoes and sometimes also his pants, nobody said anything to him because he just didn't take it wrong, and I took advantage of those moments to tickle him, however Because he was such a big man, he blocked most of my attacks, he did allow himself to be done but he was so ticklish that he often stopped me and it didn't seem fair, the part where I could take revenge was on his feet Because he was such a tall man, when I tickled his feet he tried to get free but didn't reach his feet, therefore he couldn't stop me.

In my head I was the best, something like this:


- Hahahahahahahahahaha! No more! No more! Hahaha

- this is my turn uncle!

- hahahahahahahahahaha no, feet not !!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come closer! Hahahahahahaha! I can't reach you !!!!

- Never!


But sadly my reality was different, at that young age I did not tickle him, I did make him laugh but I also knew that sometimes he pretended because my hands were still small and they did not reach me for his entire enormous body.

So we continued for a time, little by little I was growing, the revenges became better and there were even times when my visit to my uncles' house was only to take revenge on my uncle, sometimes even I asked my aunt to let me hide in her bedroom to surprise my uncle, I started using artifacts, I got some bird feathers that I found in the fields, soft feathers that fell from the cleaning feather dusters and other things that according to what they could serve me in my revenges. Because with the experience of returning my attacks I discovered that little by little my uncle no longer faked tickling, I discovered in him a really sensitive man to tickle.


After that when I was a teen, he and I were left alone at home, and well, I have to say that I count this, like the drop that spilled from the glass to make me a tickle fetish:


It was a Saturday, I was visiting my uncles' house, I had gone with my mother because she would go shopping with my aunt, therefore I made sure that my uncle would be there, (he already owed me the tickle revenge). After a moment of chatting and snacks, my mother and my aunt left, leaving my uncle and me alone, fortunately, as usual, my uncle went to his bedroom to sleep and I stayed in the living room watching tv. With the plan already thought of in my mind I waited a bit to let my uncle fall asleep. After the wait, I took the backpack that I took with me (in it I carried my utensils to take revenge) and very quietly I went up the stairs to enter the main bedroom, I opened the door very carefully so as not to make noise and as I expected my uncle was Asleep with the television on, he was lying on his back, with a white sheet covering him and he was snoring.


I quickly took several ties out of the closet, since in the past my uncle allowed me to use them to tie us to the bed, I started with the feet, I decided to tie them together and not extended because this way, if he was released he could not reach me due to his little flexibility I cautiously raised his legs so as not to wake him, they were very heavy but I did it, then I put another tie in the middle of the legs to take away a little more mobility, then I went to the headboard, as he was lying on his back I had a little bit of bad luck because his arms were crossed behind his head, resting his head on them, I was afraid because I knew that if I tried to move him he would wake up, I was frozen thinking about what to do but then when My uncle's black and hairy armpits crossed my gaze, the solution occurred to me, I began to tie his arms like this with ties, so that for no reason could he lower his arms, even Or I think it was better than extending and tying them, I put two rolled ties for each arm and a third to hold them at the base of the bed.


At that time I had practically finished tying him so I took a moment to observe him, (I must confess that at that age my sexual impulses were at their maximum, all that adrenaline of catching him asleep and acting stealthily caused me great excitement, in addition not It would be the first or last time that I already had wet dreams thinking of my revenges with my uncle, I also tell them that I did not like it at all, I felt a little bad for seeing a family game like that, because strange as it may seem that was for my uncle and for me, a child's play, without evil). Giving in to my impulses before waking him up I appreciated looking at what I had done, I paced around the bed contemplating the image: my uncle about to get his due, asleep, tied up, not knowing what was going to happen to him, his body huge and hairy at my disposal and without anyone to interrupt us, I went down to put my face in front of his feet and for the first time I sniffed them, they had such a tasty smell, that smell when you wear leather shoes all day and the sweat mixes with the aroma creating such a nice combination, I could feel the heat they gave off, at that moment I was about to pass my tongue but for me that was already "weird" (if you saw me now hahaha) I took advantage and I I climbed onto the bed, smelled her armpit pits, too, so exquisite, and even got so close that her hair stroked my nose.


I got up, took out what I was carrying from my backpack and placed it on the floor, it was a pair of gray bird feathers that I had already cleaned from dust to be more careful, a few small feathers of cleaning duster, a thick brush that had already it was useless for painting because it was very open and finally a soft bristle brush that was for shining shoes and apart from my aunt's dresser I brought up a foot powder that my uncle used (once I realized that with talc it absorbed sweat and the soles of his feet became more sensitive). I left all that on the floor because I liked to surprise my uncle, I thought it was fun to take him out thing by thing as if he did not know what he would use.

To wake him up I put the television on silent and turned up the volume, I stood on the side of the bed and then I returned the sound and the room was full of noise, my uncle immediately opened his eyes and I turned off the TV, I was silent With a smile on my face, waiting to see my uncle's reaction, he blinked a couple of times, tried to move but immediately he realized the situation, turned to see me, yawned, he stretched as if he were getting up. in the morning and finally he told me:


- so this was your plan from the beginning? -

- Yes, I've thought about it since the last torment you put me through -

- Regarding strategy, I respect you, you are a worthy adversary - (from my 8 or 9 years old, when we tickled we stopped being family, we spoke as "enemies")

- I couldn't let you get away with it -

- But you, a little man, do you think I will like you? - at that moment his tone of challenge was completely evident

- I've already had a lot of laughs in the past -

- Well do not think that this time you will hear my laugh - when he said that, he challenged me, turned his gaze and became serious, he remained motionless and of course I was not going to leave things like that. I could have followed his game, tickled him lightly but he had challenged me so he offended my ego and launched a very strong attack on his armpits (from my experience I already knew his weak points) with my hands now not from a child of 5 years but 15 years, and with big hands and force I nailed my fingers in their graves, losing sight of them because it seemed as if the armpits were swallowing them in a black hole. Her laughter went out uncontrollably.


- hahahahahahahahahaha - wait! - hahahahahahahahaha (my uncle's laughter drove me crazy, it's one of those deep, long laughs that don't hurt your ear)

- hahahahahahahahahahahaha - get your… hahahahahahahahaha fingers! - He turned to the sides trying to avoid my fingers

- Didn't you say that I wouldn't listen to your laugh? -

- hahahahahahaha stop! Hahahahahahahahaha -

At that moment I realized how good it was to tie my uncle's arms while they were crossed, on past occasions, he would lower his arms and crush my fingers, the only thing he could do was laugh but then I sat on his stomach to take away movement and I started to scratch with my nails the skin of my uncle's armpits, I loved to feel how the hairs passed between my fingers and nails. My uncle's laugh intensified a little


- hahahahahahaha - not nails! - hahahahahahaha

- what? But the nails do nothing -

- hahahahahahaha - not your… hahahahahahaha nails! -


A few minutes passed and I got off his body to let him breathe and then I said:


- Was it clear who is in charge? -

- Your? I will never obey you!

- Today someone feels brave - I got down at the feet of my uncle ready to punish him, I took the two feathers on the ground and I sat on his legs because I already knew how much he was It moves when I tickle his feet and start running the feathers on his huge soles, from top to bottom and I immediately got reactions from him.


-hahahahahahaha - no ... hahahahahahahahahaha - not the feathers! Hahahahahahaha - He had a lot of strength but since I also tied his legs to him, he couldn't knock me down

- You cry out to me - lift the feathers and put them between his toes, one by one I was pinking the openings between his toes, that made him crazy with laughter

- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- s-top !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA- On the left foot I tickled all over his bare foot while on the right one I made him between the toes - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - He writhed in bed but no matter how much he wanted I would not move from my place. - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't… HAHAHAHA more –


I stopped short for a moment, turned the feathers over and then I tickled my uncle's feet with the solid point of the feathers, just like a pencil, I went from top to bottom, causing him more laughter

- Noooooooo !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - at that moment, with my left hand, I firmly grasped my uncle's left foot and with the right, holding the solid tip of the feathers, I opened toe by toe the spaces in between to tickle him

- Not! Nooo! Noooooo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I did the same thing with the right foot


- I suppose the brave thing has already taken off - I stopped to let him speak and with his breathing agitated and taking a breath he answered me.

- Maybe you can give me orders but you will never have my respect! -

So I got out of bed and observed for a moment my uncle tied, that day he was more rebellious than on any other occasion and I liked that. I bent down to pick up the brush and the feather duster, I climbed on the bed and sat on my uncle's stomach, I put my tools aside and I said to him:


- I assure you that I will have your respect -

- Ha! My armpits will not give you my respect! -

- The hard way - I quickly started to rub the fingertips of my hands on his nipples, first slow but increasing speed, first from top to bottom

- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… (his voice stifles with laughter, I love when that happens) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -

Almost immediately her nipples became very hard, they were a little rubbed but they combined very well with her tan. With my nails I started to gently scratch the tip of my uncle's nipples and he burst out laughing.

- JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - now with the nails of all my fingers in each hand I made circles around the nipples




I stopped for a moment and he coughed a little, nothing serious and then he said nervously

- How did you discover me? -

- Your weak point? - I took the small feathers and rubbed them on his nipples, they were so light that they made him laugh that he managed to contain

- hahahaha don't do it -

- Well for me it was easy to know, you never let me touch them and once in the past I touched you there and saw how your face twisted -

- There is a reason, loo ... - without letting him finish the sentence I released the small feathers and with my 10 fingernails I made circles on his nipples still hard as rock



While with my left hand I followed my tickling attack, with my right I took the brush and also used it to tickle him, put it on his nipple and turned it.


- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I alternated my fingernails and the brush from one nipple to another and soon my uncle's chest began to jump from the pulls that gave his restrictions - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -

His laugh did not allow him to say anything until he gathered strength and shouted - I respect you! ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -

- What? I think I did not hear you - I said without stopping the tickle on her nipples


- Well said - I stopped my tickling attack, I looked at him and he already had a red face and full of sweat, he closed his eyes and caught his breath, his chest and armpits also already shone with the sweat that I had caused him, I got off his body ready to go to his feet and then when I looked down I saw him for the first time (do you remember what my uncle had on him when I entered the room? That's right) The thin white sheet now It looked like a tent like the one used by circuses, it had a huge mast lifting it, my uncle among other things had a giant penis (and that is something that I corroborated over time, it has been one of the largest penises I have seen hahaha) 11.8 inch practically, without fear of being wrong, despite the fact that the sheet was not transparent, I could see the semen that was already lubricating, so, in order not to create an uncomfortable environment between us, I did not say anything because, above all, that man was my uncle, and I did not I had never seen him naked. I went towards his feet and said to him:


- Enough of rest is time for true revenge - without waiting for an answer I brought my hands to my uncle's feet scratching my fingers up and down.


- This is not a democracy - with my nails I scratched every inch of his bare feet -


I stretched my arm to reach the foot powder and sprayed his feet, they were not sweaty but that allowed me to better polish his defenseless feet.



His laugh was music to my ears, I continued like this for a minute and then determined to finish him off, I grabbed the shoe shine brush with my right hand and with my left hand I grabbed my uncle's right foot and forcefully stretched his toes back, leaving him all his bare soles vulnerable and in my power

- wait! Wait! What are you planning? Why do you do that - for the first time I heard fear in my uncle's voice

- I'll finish you off - then as if I were shining a shoe I started dragging the brush on his sole, the only thing I heard was laughter

- JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA! - I intensified my attack with more speed

- JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - at that moment, there were so many tickles that my uncle felt that he began to tug his body with great force but that did not stop me.


-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - He had so many tickles that he managed to jump in the air bouncing on the bed but then, the sheet fell off and showed that sculptural penis, I will never forget that image, it was engraved in my brain for life, a fleshy penis, skin dark, fleshy veins on the fleshy body, reddish pink glans, a shine due to its natural lubricant that could almost reflect light, perfect, well-rounded balls, adorned with a beautiful thicket of black hair. When his penis was exposed in the middle of the situation and pointed at the ceiling of the room, we both stopped dead. I could notice how my uncle's face immediately changed from laughter to fright, he looked at me and as soon as I looked him in the eye I felt so afraid that without thinking I grabbed his left foot and began to polish him with the brush, the laughter flooded the bedroom again .

- JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - when I heard his laugh, the blood returned to my head, I even felt a little dizzy but I would not allow something like that to interrupt or ruin the fun.


-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA…. Nooooo JOJOJOJOJO - so much was his desperation for the tickling that he managed to break one of the ties and so he picked up his feet and nailed them to the mattress, I tried to pull them but no matter how hard I tried his strength was greater than mine but at that moment I thought quickly I got on the bed and focused on tormenting his nipples

- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- while I scratched my uncle's nipples with my nails, I realized that my uncle really broke his tie because he wanted to hide his huge erection between his legs but a penis as big as that could not be hidden when he is hard and hot as a rock. It occurred to me to put some talcum powder on my uncle's armpits to absorb the sweat and it worked better than good.


- JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- he choked on his own laughter - then while with one hand I scratched his nipples, with the other I scratched his armpits and so I alternated for a few minutes.


Meanwhile I remembered that my uncle was going to tell me something in my past attack on his nipples and of course, I found the answer almost immediately (I was no longer so innocent, at 15 I was already watching porn or things like that with friends) the nipples they were his pleasure point.

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA- I wanted to pass the brush or the feathers on his exposed penis tip or balls but I held back, as I said after all that was my fantasy, how rare it would be to do it to my uncle, for many wishes that I had to do it (Spoiler alert! haha, I did it in the future).



It took me a second to figure it out, as I have already mentioned, I was not so innocent at that age, so, while tickling my uncle, with one of my hands I reached for the paint brush that I had previously used in the nipples and as if I didn't notice, I passed the bristles of the brush over my uncle's cock head.

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA NOOOOOOO !!!!! - He arched his entire body and pulled his legs so hard that they almost hit me.

To simulate my attack, I put the brush on one of my uncle's nipples and didn't let him say anything.


My heart was beating so fast, not only for seeing my uncle's extreme reaction but for not knowing if he would realize that I had made it intentional.




At that moment I smiled as much as my mouth allowed, it was the first time that I got my uncle to ask for mercy, I tickled him for 1 minute and stopped, I had already given my uncle a good lesson, he had given according it seems to me the best of the tortures up to that moment, in addition, I felt so tired, as numb, the emotion caused me to breathe with difficulty, so I said to him:

- I think the weak should rest - I mocked him but he did not answer me, just coughed again.

- I hope you think again when you want to mess with me -

My exhausted uncle turned to see me, smiled at me and said

- You really did well, you surprised me -

- Well, some of everything you did to me you had to pay –


We laughed a little, I untied him and he went to bathe, meanwhile I was putting away my things and wishing that my mom and my aunt would arrive soon because of something I was sure, my uncle would return for his revenge. When my uncle went down to the living room, he was dressed in a robe and slippers, as soon as I saw him, I ran to hide behind an armchair.


- haha ​​we are on truce, I am very tired - he sat on the couch and made me a place.

- Well, I'll take a risk - I said and sat next to him

- Look, I want to tell you a little about what you saw up there, okay? -

- You mean what you were naked? - When I said that, my uncle's face showed surprise, it seemed that he did not know that I was already 15 years old and not 5.

-Yes, well I just wanted to tell you that sometimes we men have reactions when our body is hot and that this will also happen to you - I listened to him and realized how difficult it was for him to talk to me about the sexual issue, so I decided to help you.

- Don't worry man, we had a class on reproduction at school and they told us that it is completely natural -

- Yeah well, I just wanted you to know that sometimes it can't be controlled -

- Yes, I understand -

- Well, do you think that only remains between the two of us? -

- Of course uncle, this game is only ours - I said that and my uncle seemed relieved, his face was very flushed, he was embarrassed, so I got up and gave him a hug.

- Hey but you owe me a new tie - That was the last thing we talked about that day, then we both watched television until they came to pick me up.

I will never forget that fact that changed my life, and although there was a better revenge between us, this will always be the first.