The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


D&D Quest Board: Lead into Temptation

by Footnotized

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The sun shone brightly as Hippolytos, known to his friends and party members as Lyto, gazed out at the horizon. It was a beautiful day and he was happy to be enjoying it. He was more than happy to go on this mission for his King and attain the glory and laurels that awaited him. Though he couldn’t quite remember the exact specifics of the mission, he knew he had a duty and he was going to see it through. He was very lucky to be part of such a fantastic crew of men even though he couldn’t quite remember how he ended up on this particular ship. Last he remembered he and his party had split up for a couple months.



After spending some time staring out, he decided to head inside to his cabin. There he was met by Vic, one of the deckhands. A very attractive man with blazing red hair which seemed to be his most striking feature.



“Hello, mate!” said the young man.



Lyto nodded in acknowledgement. Vic was in the process of taking off his very sweaty and tattered shirt. His body glistened with sweat. He found himself staring just a moment longer than he meant to. After quickly averting his eyes before Vic caught him staring, he found his way over to his bunk and sat down. His trident carefully set beside him. He admired the shine of the orichalchum weapon. His eyes drifted down to his side where his specially made rete lay. Laced with orichalchum as well, both items shimmered with blue even in the orange glow of the oil lantern in their room. A shiver ran down his spine suddenly. Something almost felt off. He let his mind wander as pondered, once again how he came to be on this ship and with this crew.



“I am tired. Today has been rightly exhaustive,” Vic yawned, stretching his arms above his head. Shaking his head slightly he turned back towards the red-headed boy. His armpits were very damp and dripping with sweat. Lyto could even smell a whiff of them from where he sat. Though it wasn’t the largest room, there was still a decent enough space between them. While not as unpleasant as he thought it would be, he still couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose. “You don’t mind if I keep you company, d’ya?”



“N-no, you go ahead. I’m just gathering my thoughts,” Lyto finally spoke up to him. He wasn’t sure why, but he was feeling mildly intimidated about the current situation and he couldn’t place why. He had been sharing a room with the boy for over a week now… didn’t he?



“Thanks, mate!”



The ginger allowed himself to collapse backwards onto his bed, lightly hitting his head on the wall behind. “Unf! Heh” He raised his hand to rub the back of his head and let out a small giggle out of embarrassment. Lyto couldn’t help but notice how nice his teeth were and how attractive a smile he had. Almost innocent.



Shaking his head again, he had to remind himself he swore an oath to his king, his crown, and the throne. Part of that oath was celibacy. Why he had to remind himself, he didn’t know and he could not quite place why. He had always enjoyed the male form as it always came off as so perfect to him, but he did often find himself growing somewhat embarrassed on occasion when he would see a rather attractive fellow with a body worth admiring. Vic was one such person. His body was toned and lithe and the way the sweat was sticking to his body was almost unreal to him. It almost seemed to make him glow in the light of the fire.



The younger man sat up on the bed, legs stretched out. The paladin’s eyes were drawn down to the boys boots which were calf length and very loose around the opening making them look like they could just fall off at any second. Why that was something noteworthy, he couldn’t place. He turned his head again, eyes landing on his trident once more. The blue shine of the weapon reminded him of the ocean which was always such a grounding thing for him, ironically. It always helped him to keep his wits about him. He started to think of the mission again and how he was looking for…






One of the boy's boots hit the floor with a heavier thud than he normally would have thought it would make. Immediately, Lyto’s attention was drawn to the boy's feet as he attempted to toe the other boot off which eventually fell with an equally loud thud onto the floor. The cabin was immediately filled with the scent of the young man's feet. Unlike earlier, with the young man's musky armpits, his nose did not wrinkle. Instead, he unknowingly sniffed the air as his eyes rose to meet the wiggling toes newly freed from their clunky confines. This time the paladin couldn’t help but let his eyes linger for a bit longer.



At that moment the trident, which was placed so precisely, fell, snapping Lyto out of his trance. He stood up with a swiftness only a warrior could possess, swiping the trident off of the floor as quickly as it had fallen and held the sharp tip to the boy's neck.



“What is this! What is going on here! How did I get here?!” Lyto shouted angrily. His mind finally cleared from the haze of what felt like a dream he was just waking up from.



“Wh-what do you mean!? We’re on the ship on our way to recover the lost artifact for your king!” Vic stammered, frightened by the sudden shift in his cabin mate.



“What ship? What’s the name of it? What’s the artifact?”



Vic’s eyes, which had widened in terror, seemed to narrow. A wicked smirk appeared on his face. “Well, that was quicker than the last time,” He said with absolutely no fear in his voice whatsoever.






With a snap of his fingers, the floor fell away and the two men along with it down into a black void. Unlike Lyto however, Vic suddenly sprouted wings which caught onto the air. This allowed him to hover menacingly near Lyto as he plummeted into nothingness.



“This was an attempt to sway you,” the boy said, smiling deviously. “You see, I’m trying to ascend and to do that I need some help.”



“And how am I supposed to help?” Even falling, the paladin kept his cool as much as possible as he spoke out to the demon. His descent finally felt as though it were slowing down until he was levitating in the middle of pure darkness with no control over his momentum. The only thing he was able to see was the winged young man as clear as if it were day, but otherwise surrounded by blackness.



“Well, I need followers. And who makes better followers than solid, muscular, incredibly beautiful and charismatic paladins?”



“Impossible. I swore an oath to my kingdom and will keep it until I die.”



“You still don’t understand what’s happening do you?” said the fiery haired boy as he mimed sitting in midair.



“What do you mean?” Lyto said with a stone-like expression, his bravery completely unwaivering.



“Do you know what I am?” the nefarious boy smirked again.



“Some kind of fiend or demon,” he said confidently.



“Of COURSE, I’m “some kind of fiend or demon” the boy mimicked. “But what kind?”



“That I do not know, but it does not matter as I will smite you the moment I am free of this plane.”



Slowly shaking his head with amusement, the young man circled Hippolytos with his wings extended as though he were in flight. “I’m an Incubus.”



“Tch,” Lyto sucked on his teeth and felt like it was his turn to smirk. “Well, if that is the case then you’ve no need of me. I will not allow you the power to harm me in a dream and I know your kind likes to prey on women. Something of which, I am clearly not.” He spoke with pure confidence.



“Not all of us prefer women. And not all of us prefer one over the other… and no one said anything about harming you.”



There was a sudden shift and Lyto found himself devoid of his armor and naked on his knees with his arms tied behind his back and bound to his ankles. After assessing his position and realizing he could not move from this position he looked forward only to find the demon boy sitting on a throne that looked identical to his king’s. His hand balled into a loose fist holding his head up and his leg outstretched over the other arm of the throne with his barefoot dangling lazily. He looked completely at ease in his position of power and it did cause the man to feel a little more disconcerted. He just needed to find a way out of this situation and on a much more even playing field.



“So what do you think you’re going to do to me? No matter what it is, I will endure and I will destroy you in the name of my king.” His chin held high, Hippolytos steeled himself.



“I’m going to do what my kind does best… I’m going to seduce you,” he said, allowing his statement to linger in the air.



“Seduce me? And then what?”



“Then I’m going to make you beg for release. When I finally allow you that release, your oath will be broken along with your mind and you will belong to me. I’ll have you travel the countryside preaching about me and gaining me followers. Once I finally have enough of a following I will finally ascend and become a celestial deity with more power I will know what to do with.”



Lyto snickered at the demon. How on earth was he going to accomplish something so ridiculous? His oath was the most important thing to him and he would never break it. On top of that, he couldn’t possibly fathom how this young looking Incubus would be able to seduce him. It was such a ridiculous idea. There was nothing that could take his will like that. Nothing at all in this world. Even if the boy was exceptionally handsome, he has managed to go his entire life without giving in to such evil desires.



“I can read your mind here, you know? I know you don’t believe me. You think yourself too strong a man for such a game,” the demon said with a very stoic expression. “But that’s just the trick, you are nothing but a man and you will fall like many others before you. You will become my Oathbreaker.”



“It seems we are both confident in our abilities.”



“One of us, overly so.” The smirk returned to the demon’s face. “Do you know what my name is? I shall tell you… I am called Vyce. It is a reflection of my speciality when it comes to breaking the will of men in the dream world.”



“Oh?” the paladin asked amusedly. “Since that is your specialty, care to tell me what my vice is?”



“Hahaha,” Vyce cackled menacingly. “It only took 22 tries, but I think I did manage to figure it out in the last one.” The boy repositioned himself on the throne, sitting up and seemingly bracing himself with his hands grasping the arms of the royal chair. A stone step at the foot of the throne rose enough for the boy to place his legs on top, resting his feet crossing each other with the soles slightly off to the side and facing the warrior.



For all of his bravado and courage… he felt an uneasiness enter his stomach. He couldn’t figure out why or what it was that caused this feeling. For some reason his eyes were being drawn to the soles before him. The long toes caught his attention the most as they wiggled lazily. After a moment he willed himself to look directly in the demon's eyes.



“And what is it you are planning? Besides putting your feet in my face.” He put on the bravest face he could muster with a voice to match. To anyone else, Hippolytos was oozing confidence. To the Incubus, however, it was clear it was the beginning of a crack in the armor.



“Why, what is wrong with my feet resting here? Are they bothering you?”



“They smell,” he said dryly.



“Oh. I see,” nodded Vyce. “So you don’t like them.”



Hippolytos sat there motionless and without saying a word. He was going to outwill this monster and once he was awoken from this horrible dream he was going to show him exactly what he was made of.



“It has only been about 3 minutes”



“...What has?” Lyto spoke up against his better judgment.



“How long you’ve been asleep,” Vyce said as-a-matter-of factly.



“Impossible. You said you have tried for 22 attempts. I know you are playing mind games with me in order to try and make me falter.” Confidence was returning to him. He was not going to fall for such a silly and transparent trick.



“Yes, I have made 22 attempts to find your weakness. But no, I am not playing a trick on you. It really has only been 3 minutes. Time moves muuuuch slower here than it does in the real world.”



“You’re lying.”



“I’m not.”



“Prove it.”



“I don’t have to and you know that… But I am willing to make a deal with you,” the Incubus stated mischievously. “If you can keep from becoming aroused for 5 minutes, I will let you go.” There was obvious humor in his voice.



“You really believe me to be so weak? I’ve dedicated my life to my celibacy. How do you even plan on accomplishing such an impossible task?”



“You will have to allow me to do whatever I want,” the demon said. “With the exception of harming you, of course.”



“Deal.” There was no way he was going to lose.



With that Vyce placed his soles more directly in front of Lyto’s face. He used his magic to increase the fresh sweaty scent of his feet and mystically wafted it into the paladin's face. The smell was stronger and he allowed his eyes to drift up to the annoyingly handsome boy's toes. They wiggled lazily again and Lyto felt a sudden stirring. In response he turned his head to the side quickly.



“Get your sweaty feet out of my face,” he said, anger seeping into his voice.



“The deal was I get to do whatever I please to try and turn you on. Do you forfeit?”



“Never,” he said through gritted teeth.



“Then allow me to try my little experiment. I’m sure this part won’t have any effect on you since you have been such a pillar of honor your entire life.”



Silence for a moment, and then Hippolytos turned his head back towards the young man. The demon's words got the better of him and struck him in another weakness he didn’t realize he had: his pride.



“I know you said they smell, but that could only help you keep your composure, no? Just watching my toes wiggle slowly and breathing in the smell of my feet is most assuredly not enough to break someone so honorable. They are just toes after all. Just my feet releasing a powerful smell that cannot possibly turn your attention away from your oaths. Not even for a moment will my toes be able to do such a thing. No matter how enticing their wiggling may seem. No matter how much you breathe in their intoxicating scent. No, you couldn’t possibly fall to something so monotonous.”



Lyto allowed the demon to talk whatever game he insisted on playing. Instead of paying attention he decided the best thing was to just watch the boy's feet as those long toes wiggled lazily every so often. They really were only feet, and though not unappealing, he knew breathing in the scent could only help to distract him from the silly things the Incubus was saying. He just focused on those wiggling toes and how long they were. They really were nice, handsome feet. He noticed how smooth the soles were and how they wrinkled slightly when the toes wiggled. When the toes wiggled, he did realize he found comfort in how they moved. He didn’t want to admit it to such a loathsome creature, but these feet were actually quite beautiful. He breathed in some more of the scent and allowed his eyes to stay on the slowly wiggling toes, once again. He didn’t seem to realize how his mouth was starting to salivate, but if he really thought about it he wouldn’t mind those toes and soles touching him. The smoothness was just so alluring. He had never seen another person’s feet this closely before. At least this was dull enough to distract him from his goal even if he couldn’t quite remember what that goal was at the moment. He found that he quite liked watching those toes wiggle lazily and the warm feeling it filled him with. It made him feel calm and like everything was going to be ok and that he would be free soon.



“Well, would you look at that… I won.”



The words woke Lyto up from his trance as his eyes met the demon boys as he put his feet on the ground. Horror immediately struck his face as he quickly looked down at his throbbing erection. He could not believe how hard he was. How his cock stuck out and up slightly. He looked into the demon’s face again only to see the most wicked of smiles plastered on his lips.



“No…” he said, looking down in defeat. “You cheated! You played a trick on my mind. You used magic!” He looked up, with hatred and anger in his eyes.



“Oh, I did use magic, but it was only to enhance the smell of sweat on my feet. The rest was all you.”



“You entranced me! You wield enchantment magic!”



“You’re right about me having enchantment magic, but you resisted my charms during the first attempt at seducing you, so I had to get creative. It turns out the sea paladin has a major weakness after all. Quite the secret, isn’t it? You didn't even realize it yourself,” said the young man. “You have such a severe weakness to your foot fetish that you began to fall for a simple induction.”



“If that’s all true, then why would you stop? If you didn’t use magic to hypnotize me with such a grotesque trick, then why not follow through?” Lyto asked, frustratedly. There was no way what the Incubus was saying was true. He could not have had such a ridiculous weakness. There was no way in this world that he had a fetish, let alone one he was so susceptible to when he also swore an oath of celibacy on behalf of his kingdom and the crown. The boy's feet were nice, but no feet were nice enough to cause his mind to go numb like that. Despite his better judgment he allowed himself to look down at the demon’s feet. The tops of his feet there for him to take in. Perfectly trimmed toenails with zero imperfections and the smell was still wafting up into his nose. He found himself salivating and staring again. He shook his head to snap out of it.



“I stopped because I wanted you to be aware that I won. I wanted you to know I found your weakness and that the only thing I had to do to exploit it and start to break you was just a wiggle of my toes.”



The demon boy was finding too much enjoyment out of this and Hippolytos would not allow this to go any further. He would resist these mind tricks. This awful enchantment magic that he was using on him. There was no way he had such a powerful weakness and to feet of all things. No way at all. He began praying to his king for strength. He would not let the throne and the rest of the kingdom down.



“Your king won't save you. Your kind don’t really understand where your power comes from. The divine energy that flows through you is not from your king or the kingdom… and it’s certainly not from your oaths.”



“Then where, if you’re so smart?” he spat at the demon.



“From you. It’s what makes you such a perfect choice for my first worshiper. Once you realize that these oaths do nothing but limit you, subject you… you will finally be free. And you will be mine.”



“I will never worship you.”



The paladin kneeled there looking the Incubus in the face with the utmost serious expression. He would not lose here. He wouldn’t allow it. But, the demon knew better. With just a smile he sat back and raised one of his foot once again. This time Lyto tried his hardest to resist, not looking away from the boy’s eyes. Once the toes started to wiggle again, however, Lyto started to sweat. He wanted to look… he wanted to look desperately, but he tried his best. And then the scent wafted into his nose again and, though just for a second, his eyes glanced over just in time to see the toes splay out and wiggle open and shut. His cock throbbed and he was hooked. All he wanted to do was stare at those feet for the rest of his existence.



“Hahahahaha! You see? You’ve denied these ridiculous urges for so long that once confronted with them you’ve managed to make yourself a slave to them.” The demon laughed. “Look at how much you’re leaking!”



Lyto looked down and was shocked to see his cock leaking precum into a puddle on the floor. He had never been this turned on and whenever he had even started to feel those urges he was able to regain his composure by thinking of his oaths. Now, however, he was helplessly being subjected to a weakness he had buried deep down inside him to the point where he didn’t even realize it existed. Sure, was aware of the fact that he would get a little warm whenever his friend and party-mate, Spruce was barefoot in front of him, which tended to happen a lot. Druid’s tend to prefer being barefoot sometimes. Others in his party, Ollomar, Dario, and Sam also went barefoot sometimes and he did like to see a peak at times, but he never really thought about why and if he did see them he wouldn’t allow himself to look for more than a quick moment, as he was aware about how strange a fascination it truly was.



Now just thinking about any of them being barefoot was making his cock throb again and he watched as more precum dripped down onto the floor making the puddle expand. Thank goodness nothing was touching his most intimate area because he didn’t know how long he would be able to last if he had added stimulation. As it was, he was afraid being entranced by Vyce’s toes for too long would make him blow a load and break his oaths without even the slightest touch of his cock. He was determined to fight this until the end however… he didn’t care if he had to spend a thousand years in this dream realm.



“Interesting,” Vyce smirked. “Let’s try something different.”



With a snap of his fingers, the puddle of precum began to move and change from a clear liquid to black. Slick, black tentacles started to grow out of the puddle and reach up towards Hippolytos’ cock. Confused at first, the warrior realized what was about to happen right before contact was made and horror just filled his eyes. The tentacles wrapped around his aching cock ever so gently and and the moment they touched a moan escaped his lips. They glided so smoothly along his shaft and head that he began to shake against his will. This was easily the most pleasurable thing he had ever felt in his entire life. The way they moved up and down his shaft felt so good he both wanted it to stop and never wanted it to end all at the same time. Why was this happening to him? What did he do to earn this punishment? A tentacle glided along his frenulum and he felt pure humiliation as another moan forced its way out of his mouth. Precum came gushing out of his tip adding to the slickness of those dreaded tentacles.



“How do you like my black tentacles, slave?”



“Unf! N-not you-you’re slave,” he said, fighting against the pleasure as much as he could. He was not going to give into it. Not one bit.



The tentacles were expertly manipulating his shaft by sliding up and down along the top and bottom. The tip of one tentacle made lay circles on the head while another did the same on the frenulum. This area seemed to be especially sensitive and continued to make his legs shake. Lazy circle after lazy circle. The other tentacles began massaging his balls with just the right amount of pressure that he had to fight with all his might not to let another moan slip out. He wanted this to end so badly, but he also wanted release and he was not sure which desire was stronger which scared him even more.



The tentacles performed their massage for what felt like hours, and while he wanted release, he was grateful he was able to fight against it for so long. Luckily, the tentacle drawing circles along his head was causing some overstimulation to the point where it was definitely helping to keep him from cumming. It was definitely it’s own type of torture as it cause him to convulse every so often, but he would gladly take that over failing himself, his party, and especially his kingdom.



“You really are a fighter, aren’t you. I’m absolutely shocked you’ve been able to hold put this long. I don’t believe anyone ever has before.”



“I t-told you. I will not give in.” Confidence was returning to him. Maybe he was stronger than this.



“Heh, you really think I’ve given you everything I have? There are so many things I can do to you. Things I will do and things you will beg me to do. Those tentacles are just the beginning and I haven’t even let them play with you while teasing you with my feet.” Vyce rested his feet in front of the warrior again and panic began to spread throughout Lyto’s entire mind. “I think it’s time to hynotize you with my toes again. What do you think?”



Closing his eyes, and turning his head, he refused to speak and he was certainly not going to look at the demons feet. Those perfect, soft, feet. His cock throbbed in the tentacles grip and he suddenly felt how much more intense the feeling was with his eyes closed. Damn this demon to hell!



“Hmm… fighting again me again, I see. Let’s do something a little different.”



Suddenly, the tentacles released their grip on his cock. Insisting on keeping his eyes closed, he couldn’t help but get nervous over what Vyce was planning, though he didn’t have to for very long because with a swiftness the tentacles made contact on his cock again this time sliding the tips along his shaft and head, but it felt very different than before. As quickly as contact was made along his cock again, so too did Lyto’s eyes snap open in terror. Laughter poured out of him and he couldn’t stop despite how much he wished to. The tentacles were tickling his shaft and head and it was easily the most torturous feeling he had ever felt and yet his cock would not soften. It only made him throb all the more. For so long nothing had touched him there that even this extreme tickling sensation was turning him on. The other tentacles joined in and started tickling his balls and the perineum.



“Hahahaha P-p-p-please m-m-make it s-stop-p-pahahaha!” The tickling was so intense he could not hold back his laughter. He did not think anyone could ever be this ticklish.



“In a few minutes,” the demon said bemused.



“Ple-hehease! It’s t-t-torture!” Lyto pleaded against his own will. He hated himself for immediately crumbling to this sensation. Pain he could handle, but this? This was almost somehow worse than even the thought of breaking his oaths. “Hahahaha Ohoho mmmmy gahahahad hahahaha!”



The demon watched the paladin break from the tickling with so much glee he could hardly contain the wide smile on his mischievous face. He looked down at the warriors cock to find he was still very hard and leaking precum even more. His toes splayed in absolute pleasure at how much even this turned on the paladin. He could tell from reading his thoughts that the fact that this was so torturous was still arousing him so much it was wholly possible for him to cum this way and while the thought was incredibly tempting, he wanted the paladin to cum to his feet. He knew that if he could get the paladin to cum from hypnotizing him with his wiggling toes and the smell of his feet while begging for it, he would have him in mind and soul. He would be reliant on the pleasure he allowed Hippolytos to have and it would cause him to feel pure loyalty. That’s how these paladin’s worked. Well… at least the ones who swore celibacy did.



“Ok, but on one condition.”



“ANYTHING Hahaha!” Lyto screamed while laughing with his mouth almost incapable of closing while the tickling was happening.



“You will stare at my feet.”






“You will watch my toes wiggle.”






Two tentacles found their way up into his groin where they wiggled, tickling him relentlessly.



“You will allow me to hypnotize you with my wiggling toes while the tentacles tease your very hard, throbbing cock.”



“I WILL NO- AAAH! NO, STOHOP,” he screamed as yet another tentacle added to the torture by worming it’s way towards his sphincter and circled around it. This was worse than the tickling on his balls and the cock combined. Only the ones wiggling against his groin were giving it a run for its money. And yet, no matter how much it tickled, no matter how torturous it was, he stayed hard as rock and his cock continued to leak more and more precum.



“You will beg me to be hypnotized by my feet and then when you are driven so mad with lust, when you are drooling from watching my toes wiggle and the smell of my sweaty feet filling your senses, you will beg me to cum.”






“Your god isn’t here.”



With those words, the paladin knew he was right. If his god, Tyr,  were there he would never allow him to be subjected to this torture… this incredible, indescribable, pleasurable, torture. That thought broke him, and he wanted to give in just to make the tickling stop.






And with that the tickling ceased.



“Thank… you…” Lyto panted.



Vyce only smirked with his arm resting on the arm of the throne and his fist holding up his head in amusement. His feet were still straight out with Lyto’s face between his feet. He could sense the paladin trying with all his might not to allow his eyes to fall on them just yet. Seconds and then minutes went by with silence. The paladin was holding strong continuing to try not to give in to his desire to look at the beautiful soles on either side of his face. The incubus could sense how difficult it was and wanted to see how long he could last before giving in. Luckily, Lyto finally spoke up first.



“I will keep my word and I will allow you to try and hypnotize me with your feet, but I will fight it.”



Saying nothing, Vyce brought his ankles closer together so that his soles were directly in front of the paladin’s face and true to his word the warrior allowed his eyes to drink in the sight of them. At this point he looked at and admired how soft the soles were, hating himself for having such a thought. Even his heels looked smooth with no calluses as though he had never walked on them a day in his life. His eyes traveled up towards the toes and stayed there as they seemed to be his favorite part, again mentally berating himself for having that thought. He could not help it though as he kept his word and just watched the toes as though waiting for something to happen. Just looking at them was causing his cock to throb again and he knew the moment they moved he was likely going to start to fall under their influence again. He was already trying very hard not to breathe in the scent. He was taking shallow breaths from his mouth because, once again, he knew it would break him down easier.



It felt like an eternity, staring at those toes. The anticipation was killing him and he just wanted the demon to get it over with. To start wiggling his toes trying to captivate him, but he wouldn’t allow it this time. Yes, he was more at peace than he hoped he would be giving his word to look at the soles, but he still did not want to let his friends down, especially Spruce. No sooner had he thought that, however, there was finally movement. The toes wiggled and the thoughts of his friends, Spruce, and any other thoughts he would have had became secondary to trying to resist what was happening.



The toes wiggled lazily as if the young man were simply relaxing and Lyto just watched them. The very second they moved his cock throbbed and his attention was being held more and more. They wiggled again and against all his better judgment he took a quick breathe through his nose and there it was, that magnificent scent. The smell of his sweaty feet, just as potent as it was before, due to the demon’s magic no doubt, but that didn’t change the fact that it was still so pleasant to him. It was the greatest smell he had ever had the pleasure of inhaling, and his cock throbbed as he took another breathe. The toes wiggled again and Lyto’s jaw went slack again. The toes wiggled yet again and he could actually feel the precum leaking down his shaft, tickling his balls a bit as it dripped down them. Wiggling some more he felt so warm and more pleasure surged through his cock and he let out the quietest of moans.



“You’re a good boy for keeping your word,” Vyce spoke softly to him. He changed his tactic now and was going to lull him with his words deeper into a trance. All mischievousness was gone from his voice, replaced with a calm and dulcet tone. The more soothing and commanding the tone, the harder it would be for the paladin to break out of his daze. At being told he was a good boy, a slight smile of contentment started to form on the warriors lips, though no sooner did it happen than his brows furrowed trying to fight it.



The toes splayed this time and the furrowing of the paladins brows loosened back into a contented smile. Something was wrong, but he was finding it harder to care nor could he remember why at this point. He breathed in more of the smell of those sweaty feet and lost himself some more. The young man pushed one of his feet closer to his face and slowly waved it back and forth, but Hippolytos was a good boy and he would keep his word and keep watching those beautiful toes so he moved his head slowly, in his haze, to keep his eyes on those toes. He wanted to keep his word because as long as he did he wouldn’t miss the next time those toes wiggled. He was immediately rewarded as the foot stopped and rested once again allowing the toes to wiggle some more. His smile much wider now as he didn’t think this could get much better.



And then he felt the tentacles on his cock again. The feeling just as slick and smooth as before. The natural lube of the tentacles mixed with his precum made them glide so effortlessly. That mixed with the powerful hypnosis of those toes became the greatest feeling he had ever imagined. Why was he so against it, again? Why didn’t he want to feel like this? Or to stare at those mind melting soles? Or breathe in the intoxicating scent every time the toes wiggled making it waft into his nose? Why was he even questioning it in the first place? He just could not remember. All he could think of were the feet right in front of him and how he wanted to pleasure the person who owned them. To be a good boy and to keep his word. More of the tentacles joined in again, massaging his shaft, his balls, his perineum, and the underside of his head. It all felt so good and he realized something was about to happen, that he was about to reach a climax he had never known before. An ultimate pleasure.



The tentacles stopped.



“Unf… please…” Lyto said helplessly.



“Please, what?” Vyce questioned, despite knowing full well what he meant.



“Please… keep going.”



“Call me master.”



“M-mast… Master.” Lyto struggled with that a little, but another wiggle of those toes melted through that resistance.



“Are you being a good boy?”



“...I… Yes.”



“Yes, what?”






“I said, Yes what?” the demon boy asked as he splayed his toes and then wiggled them again.



“Yes, Master.”



“You’re a very good boy.”



Lyto smiled even more with some drool leaking down his chin matching the precum oozing out of his cock. The tentacles resumed once again and a happy moan came out of the man. The tentacles massaged his cock and his perineum as well as the underside of his head all the while drinking in the sight adn smell of those beautiful feet. He would do anything for this feeling to never end. He was a good boy and he would keep watching those toes for as long as he possibily could and he knew that as long as he did he would continue to be a very good boy.



Every time the toes moved his cock would feel a surge of pleasure that felt more and more powerful and he was getting closer to that climax again. That feeling that would free him from all of his worry. The toes wiggled and he smelled the air again making his cock reacted with that surge of pleasure and releasing more precum. Those tentacles felt so slick and good and he was finally about to feel that release and… the tentacles stopped again.



Lyto whimpered, but he never stopped looking at those feet. All he wanted was to finally be allowed to cum while watching those feet. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted more in the world. If he could just cum he would dedicate his life to that feeling. He would dedicate his soul to the person who gave that feeling to him.



Again, a tentacle made contact and this time only gently massaging the underside of his raging cock. It traveled so slowly up and then down over and over again. Lyto was shaking in pleasure again, but he wanted to cum so badly he was willing to ask for it.



“Please… may I cum?” He asked, breathlessly.



“I need you to ask again, but this time, properly,” Vyce said while wiggling waving a foot back and forth in Lyto’s face again. “Go on.”



“Please, may I cum… Master?” He hesitated before saying that last word, though he couldn’t remember why. The foot swaying back and forth in front of him was too distracting for him to think of why because he needed to make sure his eyes stayed on those toes so he could continue being a very good boy.



“I will think about it,” he said with all seriousness. “For now, do not cum.”



“Yes, Mas-TER!” The tentacles all joined in again making him moan the last syllable very loudly.



The tentacles had began massaging the entire length of his shaft again, the underside of his head, his very sensitive balls, the taint area, and lastly one began to circle his sphincter again, which tickled, but only ever so slightly feeling more pleasurable than anything almost like it were someones tongue. It would circle twice and then gently dip into his hole and repeated that pattern many times. Sometimes it would switch up to catch him off guard with indescribable pleasure. He was so close.



“Please… Master…”



The demon met his request with silence and the tentacles continued without stopping. Lyto was on the edge and he was absolutely terrified of cumming without permission. He was willing to do anything for permission from the owner of those perfect soles hypnotizing him.



“Please, I will do anything…” he begged in his trance.



“Anything?” The demon asked, knowing he was about to get everything he had worked so hard for.



“Any…” Hippolytos stopped himself. There was something he was forgetting and he was determined to remember. That is, until the toes splayed and wiggled closed again releasing more of that wonderful, sweaty smell. “Anything, Master.”



“Are you sure?” He wiggled his toes again and the tentacles increased their pace.



“Unf! Yes! Please!” the paladin cried out.



“Yes, please, what?”



The release was going to happen and he needed the permission otherwise he wouldn’t be able to please his Master by being a very good boy and he needed that feeling. He wanted to keep his word.



“Yes, please, Master!”



“You’re willing to break your oaths for me and become my dark paladin?” This time he wiggled his toes a bit faster making sure to captivate the warrior and stop him from trying to resist one more time before he swore himself to him.



“”Yes, Master, I only wish to serve you!” He said with sheer desperation, meaning every word that came out of his mouth. The tentacles getting him to the point of no return with every stroke along his pulsating cock.



“Good boy. You may cum.”



“AH! Thank- AH! You! AH AH! Master! Ahhh”



Hippolytos shot 5 times, not taking his eyes off of those wiggling toes once. The feeling of release after all his years of life was the greatest thing he had ever felt. The afterglow that followed it had him dazed once again and he couldn’t think straight enough to regret anything that had just happened. There was no guilt, no self loathing. He existed in a state of pure bliss. He was so happy his Master had let him cum, that he was allowed to finally indulge in something he never even knew he desired or how much he needed it. He felt so free and so light as if a weight had lifted on his soul. He hoped his Master would do this with him again, many more times.



“You’re mine now. Are you happy with that?”