The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Seeking a New Roomate

by Chr Est

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The following story is a fiction and fantasy. This is my first time writing a story, so please let me know what you think and whether I should continue. I have had the pleasure to serve Alphas and their feet, in the past and hope to again serve them. I hope to find a local Alpha to take me on as his submissive. I am hoping to hear from Superior Alphas in the Denver area nothing sexual is needed, just hope to be of use and given purpose by doing their chores or being underfoot. I am always open to chatting with any Alpha or submissive.

Please email me at

Thank you for reading!


Disclaimer: The following is an original story of fiction that contains a variety of consensual activities between adults.  All characters depicted are above 18 years of age.  If any of this content is offensive to you or is illegal to access in your area, please do not proceed.  If this offends you, please move on.






It was a warm summer day, I was alone in my apartment.

Half the apartment was bare after my roommate since college moved out to spend more time with his girlfriend, soon to be fiance. Though the place was half empty, his musk still lingered in the air. I should be thrilled to finally have the place to myself, but I'm not. I can't help but feel a sense of loneliness and sadness. Again not that it mattered, even when he lived here he spent all his free time with his girl. But at least every time he was in the place, his dirty sweaty, smelly clothes littered about the place. The smell taking over every inch of airspace. The thing is I fell for him. During our first year of college, he came walking in with so much swagger that I didn't know what to do with myself. He was the model student, the star alpha jock on campus, got great grades, even came from money. Even though we differed in every single way, he still treated me like a friend. Wherever I was having a rough time, he would talk me out of my slump, he'd let me cry then when things start turning around would crack jokes. He was just perfect. We would hang out and do things that normal friends do. One day, after a couple practices of him not doing any laundry, I discovered that the smell of a real man did something for me. I ended up craving it. Yes, I began to question my own status as he just made me feel like even though we were real close, he still seemed more superior.

After breathing in nothing but his musk for days it felt like he was never going to wash his gear. I on the other hand was struggling to keep myself in check. I always knew he was straight and had no chance. Besides I also didn't want to ruin the relationship, figuring he was used to being catered to. The mere thought of possibly finding myself in a situation where I might be bullied by others without his protection, I went and cleaned up the place. Doing both his laundry and mine. Taking out the trash and letting the room air out. But little did that truly do. He came in that day stoked, saying, "thanks and sorry for leaving it as such a pig sty but you know how it is, studying, sports. Ok maybe not completely," with a smirk, "but you know there's only so many hours in a day, so thanks for doing that. Promise I'll help out." He actually never did and I never reminded him. We would have the conversation every so often other times he just acted like it was nothing. Our friendship never seemed to change. We later on moved out of the dorms into this apartment. He never made any commands, he didn't even have any orders, but I just somehow learned to anticipate what he might need and go from there. Serving him, waiting on him, hoping for any attention he would grace me with. I loved every minute of it. Loved him. So I tried my best never to show it and just continued as we were, accepting our friendship.

One day he met this girl. One of the hottest, if not the absolutely hottest girl on campus. They instantly hit it off, everywhere they went people did a second look admiring the epitome of an alpha couple. But it's not like they left me alone, being such great friends, he'd invite me when they went out, unless it was date night.

She never seemed to mind when I was third wheeling. She almost encouraged him to do it, not that he needed convincing. He always said he was thrilled to have his little buddy around.

Though I say that, here I am alone in this apartment, without even the company of his mess and dirty laundry. It's not like anything changed immediately of sorts or at all. When we went to the mall they walked in front of me, maybe sometimes carrying their stuff since I couldn't afford the shops we went into, figured I'd offer to help. When we all would go out to eat, I sat across from them, they would order food and he would order for me. When we went to the movie theater, they would sit a row behind me. Occasionally hearing them making out. His foot sometimes rested against the back of my seat, on the seat or in between the seats practically pressed against my side as they enjoyed each other's company. I learned to appreciate these moments because the mere scent of his tired athletic feet somehow made me feel like I had company and after he works hard at being the man he is, he should be able to relax as he pleases.

Sometimes he would remove his shoes and press them to my side leaving me to feel bad that being such a tall man it must be hard having to be in such cramped places. Thinking this, I knew that this is nothing for me to complain about. After all I don't know if it's because of the years of exposure, I began to crave the scent. Even if it meant feeling his sweaty smelly soles and toes press against whichever part of me they would happen to make contact with.

When date nights would take place, I'd be left alone at home, even though we had other friends, I would spend the time at home cleaning things up in case they came back to the apartment. Depending on where they went sometimes they came in hot, knocking things over clothes being thrown about whether or not I was sitting in a public space. They just went at it. One time they did it right on the sofa, while I was on the lounge chair watching TV. Not once did they look at me and as they ripped off each other's clothes as he tossed his shirt back it went smack against my face. I was stunned, but again not once did they look my way, as I had his shirt hanging off my head breathing in his scent in awe of their action, practically reminded of my own virginity.

The alpha that he is making her cum, he picked her up and pressed her against the wall as he just kept making her moan. Her moans got louder evidently showing she has had yet another orgasm, without missing a beat he continued to bounce her off his rod as he carried her to her room. There I was stunned and speechless at what I had just witnessed. Sweat and bodily liquids all over the couch, the wall, even some droplets that left a trail to the bedroom. When the moment finally washed over me, I found myself looking around the room that had been sparkling just moments ago. As I was about to get up to pick up what was scattered, I heard both of their moans and groans syncing up perfectly. I could hear the sound of his balls slapping against her ass, I could hear her panting as she tried to catch her breath. Then I heard her scream out his name.

"Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Fuck!" She yelled as he started to thrust faster and harder. "Yes! Yes! YES! FUCK ME!" She screamed as he had his way with her

"Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Fuck!" She yelled as he started to thrust faster and harder. "Yes! Yes! YES! FUCK ME!" She screamed as he slammed into her. He started to grunt as he pounded away at her pussy.

I watched them fuck for what felt like hours. Watching them climax over and over again. Finally they slowed down and I heard the sounds of them kissing and hugging one another.

They were both covered in sweat and their bodies glistened from the sweat. I stood there in amazement at what I saw. I was amazed at how they looked so good together. They were in love.

They had no idea I was there watching. I walked back down the hallway to the living room and headed towards the kitchen to grab something to drink. Picking things up and cleaning what I easily could.

I heard them talking as I walked by the door. "I can't believe you're still hard." She said, "Well I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He replied. "Oh Really? You better stay hard then."

There they were going at it like bunnies, the sounds they made bouncing off the walls, the smell of them floating in the air. Here I was folding the discarded clothes.

But now on this sweltering hot day, here I am sipping on coffee looking at this ever so empty room, reminiscing the thought of him. Not even her, though they're hot, I ultimately have fallen in love with HIM, but now I can't help but recognize what a simp I have become over the years. Yes they invite me over to their new place sometimes. Sometimes even offering to clean up.

"What have I become? I know there's no future for me there and maybe this time alone will be good for me. It will help me find myself and maybe just maybe find a relationship for myself. But what am I now, is gay it? I mean I've only found myself into this one guy, that doesn't change things right?"

My phone rang. "Hello? Who's th..." "Hey is this Josh?! You have an open room right? You must be looking for a roommate, let's meet at the cafe down the block from your place at 230. Stoked to meet, see you there." And just like that he hung up, without me even saying barely three words. His voice deep and gravelly. A commanding voice that said you know you want t

I had barely just put the post up online about looking for a roommate, how is this happening so quickly? But figured why not, go to the meet, could be the distraction I need. Best case he becomes my roommate and he'll change the energy of this place helping me move on. Worst case he's just looking to bully me like others do but at least it'll get my mind off of things. "Seriously, what am I thinking? Yet here i am starting to get ready."



I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I arrived at the cafe at 230 and got a seat at the outside table. The sun was beating down on the sidewalk and the heat was intense. I took off my sunglasses and pulled out my phone.

Checking the messages, nothing new. I checked my email and there was nothing from work either. Nothing from anyone. Just me and my thoughts.

I was beginning to feel like a loner. Then I heard someone walk up behind me. "Hey! You're Josh right?" I turned around and saw him. He was tall, probably 6'2 *, dark hair, piercing blue eyes. "

Yeah, I'm Josh. "I replied. "I'm Kyle, nice to meet you. I was just walking by and saw your post and thought I'd stop by and say hi." He sat across from me, his legs spread apart showing off his muscular thighs."

The gentle breeze of the outside air wafted the scent of his cologne mixed with a hint of sweaty musk hit my nostrils as I sat down wind of him. The scent tickled my senses. Locking in my focus but leaving me tongue tied.

He had a look of confidence and self assurance that was contagious. I was drawn to him. "So tell me about yourself Josh?" He asked. "Well 'm 24, been single for a while."

I responded. He nodded in agreement. “I'm 22." We talked for a few minutes about our lives and then he started to talk about himself. "l work at the gym downtown. "His eyes glistened with

confidence sparkled from the sunlight every time he blinked. I practically hung onto every word.

He held eye contact, I felt so small. Every time he grabbed for his drink or moved his muscles in his shirt seemed to flex. But every time a cute or hot girl walked by his eyes diverted and scanned her up and down. Though at what moment, I thought maybe he gave me a similar look. I thought to myself, “impossible this guy could get any girl he wanted and I had no chance." Sighing. "What am I doing thinking these thoughts again, does that make me bi? Gay even? But he carries himself that just reminds me of," I heard his voice, "Josh, you ok bud?" “Yeah I am, sorry just thought of something." "Awe," he said playfully, “are you thinking of me bud? If you're not, I must be doing something wrong," he said with a playful puppy dog look on his face. As I was grabbing my drink, he caught my hand staring at me making me feel like there's no one else in the world, "so you're looking for roommate and I'm looking for a place, are we gonna do this?"

How could I say no, to this God of a man, "sure." "Awesome bud, promise I'm a great roommate, you'll love me - Imean you'll love it," winking, "how much are you paying right now for everything?" "Currently? It's coming to about 2250," I told him. "That's not bad at all We'll go half in everything, ha, not that money's a problem.” It occurred to me, how do I keep finding these men who already have their lives together, yet here I am just getting by living day by day

He once again broke my silence as I found myself in my thoughts, "tell you what I could move in tomorrow!" I just looked at him in shock how fast this was going. “I'm sorry bud you look bummed, tell you what I'll move in tonight.”

Once again the breeze came blowing my way. Ugh how can anyone think straight when he smells this good. "Cool, I'll see you at 5." With that he stood up, paid for the drinks, pressed his hand against the left side of my chest running it up as he walked away giving my shoulder a quick squeeze before he disappeared behind me completely.

I sat there for a moment longer already missing him. It's like his eyes were diving deep into my soul. His scent rivals my last roommate but with the same sweet musk. On that note I went onhome to do arun through the place to get it clean and ready for him. As I was cleaning I came across a singular large white sock. "No wonder, I could still smell him around," tossing the old well used sock on my desk.

5 pm came around quickly and I heard a knock at the door. There he was, standing in the door frame, practically filling it, towering above me. There it was again the eye contact that made me feel like I could melt, I turned to my side and he walked on in carrying two large duffel bags like they were play things. He tossed them to the side. Grabbing the set of keys on the keychain my last roommate used, "that was quick thanks bud!" As he pocketed them, he gave me a big bear hug. As he held on his pecs were pressed against my face turned to the side, I could smell his pits and see what appeared to be a wet spot of sweat. My knees got weak and he held me up, "whoa you ok bud? Was that too tight? Wouldn't want you knocking out on me."

"No no, I'm fine. Just a little light headed." "Awe bud, let me help you," pulling me closer and pressing his body against mine, his arms wrapping around me.

His hands roaming over my back. I felt his hardening cock press against my ass. I felt his lips brush against my earlobe, "don't worry bud, I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna give you a good massage."

I knew he meant every word, I was already getting hard. I tried to push him off, but he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. I couldn't help but moan as his tongue brushed my neck.

"Hey buddy, don't worry I won't bite, I promise” he said while

licking down my neck. My hands instinctively moved to his

shoulders to stop him from moving any further.

But he had other ideas. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his chest. "You don't have to stop bud, I know you want this." I just looked up at him, his eyes looking right into mine. "Yes sir, I do want this."

"Good boy, but that will have to wait. Show me around." We walked around the apartment then we got to my room and then what would be his room. As Kevin plopped himself on what is now his bed, "so I couldn't help but notice why do you have the smaller room?" "Oh this was the first apartment after moving out of the dorms me and my friend lived here. He took this room and I took the other. I guess I never thought to move into this room." "Ha thanks bud, probably for the best, I need the space don't I?"

"Yes Sir." He began kicking off his shoes. But as soon as one foot came out of the shoe, the smell hit me like a brick wall. My knees buckled and he caught me with great reflexes. As he held me I realized how hard I've gotten. Still bent over held in his arms, my head was closer to the source. His ripe feet below me and his shoes just feet away from me. The smell intensified and I lost even more strength. He slowly brought to the floor as he sat back on the bed, looking down at me, with a look of concern mixed with what seemed like humor. "Pretty ripe huh? Sorry bud. Everyone says that I have really bad stinking feet. I still play a lot of sports and exercise a lot so it can't be helped." He started wiggling his toes, flexing them in my direction, making the scent grow stronger. It was like I could feel the air heading in my direction. "Damn It's so nice to be out of those shoes, I've been walking around all day, went to the gym, went and played ball with some friends. My feet are sore." As I was regaining some strength, "you want a foot rub?" Dying on the inside realizing what I just said, acting on direct impulse. "Haha bud I literally just told you what I put my feet through today, you can literally see how sweaty and smell the hard work that went into them and you wanna rub them?" With that he pushed them forward into my hands. I sat on the ground legs crossed, one foot resting on my inner thigh as I held onto his foot. They were so sweaty, with every press on the soles, sweat came soaking out onto my hands, the scent hitting my senses. HARD.

I looked up at him, his eyes closed as he breathed deeply. I slowly began rubbing the sole of his foot, making sure not to miss a spot. "Oh wow that feels good. I haven't had a foot rub in a while."

“I'm glad you like it." I continued rubbing his foot, taking my time. His foot felt so warm against my hand. I let my fingers wander under the arch, massaging the heel, the top of the foot, the ball of his foot.

His eyes closed and let out a moan. I felt glad though my eyes were beginning to tear up at the smell of his feet, I felt happy knowing how comfortable and relaxed he was.

"That feels so good." He opened his eyes and looked down at me, "you're doing great, bud, keep going." I kept rubbing his foot, moving up and down his foot, feeling the muscles tense up under my touch.

I moved to the other foot, starting the same way. "Ahhh yeah, that feels amazing. Keep going." I did as he asked, continuing to massage his foot.



As he made himself more comfortable his other foot touched the hard on in my pants and I froze. He looked down amusingly. "Guess you like it too huh bud?"

He laughed, "no, no i don't like it." I tried to act normal but I couldn't hide my excitement. "You don't like it? Don't worry bud, I'll take care of it for you." He winked at me and I smiled, giving a quick nod.

With that he pressed down, practically teasing my erection. Then brought his sweaty socked foot to my face. Holding it there pressed against my nose. I tried to move away, but his other foot snapped away from my hands the top of his foot wrapping behind my head. "Don't worry bud, let me help you out. Just breathe in and out let it consume you. If we're going to live together you'll be smelling these boys a lot, don't get me wrong you'll be indirectly be smelling it like when I pull out of my shoes. But hey if you keep treating my feet so well it will be more often as direct exposure. We'll both be happy, don't you worry."

"Y-yes Sir." I heard myself say. I was lost in the moment, I didn't know what to think or do. I wanted to do nothing but obey him. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but i couldn't stop myself.

I took a deep breath and smelled his foot. It smelled so strong, but also very manly. I let the scent fill my lungs, filling them with his scent.

I could feel the heat coming off his foot and it felt wonderful. I started breathing out, letting the scent escape my lungs. l inhaled again, closing my eyes as I did.

My heart beat faster, my cock throbbed. The smell was intoxicating, I was getting drunk on it. I let out another breath, inhaling the strong scent once more. I felt my body relax.

I let my mind go blank, all I could focus on was his foot. I let out a soft moan as I felt my cock twitch. I felt his foot press harder against my face. I let out another moan, my cock twitching again.

"Oh god that's good bud. You really are enjoying yourself aren't you?" He said, smiling down at me. "Yes sir." I said quietly, still breathing in and out. "Good boy." He said, pressing his foot harder into my face.

I breathed in and out, taking in his scent. My cock twitched again. "I bet you want to taste my sweat, don't you?" He said, laughing softly. "Yes sir." I said, not even thinking about what I had just said.

I felt his foot shift slightly, then the pressure increase. His foot was now pressed firmly against my lips. I opened my mouth, letting my tongue out to lick his sweaty sole.



I Moaned as I tasted his sweat, feeling my cock twitch. He moaned loudly, grinding his foot into my face. I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch harder. "That's right bud, enjoy it. Enjoy my sweaty foot.

He said, grinding his foot into my face." Oh yes sir! "I moaned, feeling his foot grind into my face. I licked up and down his sole, tasting his sweat. I felt his foot start to push harder into my face.

I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch harder. He moaned louder, grinding his foot harder into my face. "That's right, show me how much you love my sweat. How much you love my foot. Show me how much you love it!" he said, grinding his foot into my face. I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch harder. I started sucking on his big toe, letting my tongue run over it.

"You're gonna be good for me right? Take care of me? Right, boy?" "Y-yes Sir" I was in a trance with his feet I could almost agree to anything. “That's right," his free foot presses against my cheeks.

"That's right boy. You're gonna be a good boy for me, aren't you?" I nodded, looking up at him. "Yes sir, I'm gonna be a good boy for you." He smiled down at me, "that's right. Good boy."

He started grinding his foot into my face. I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitched harder. “That's right, take care of me, take care of my foot. Show me how much you love it."

I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch harder. I started sucking on his big toe, letting my tongue run over it. “That's right, suck on it." He said, grinding his foot into my face.

I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch harder. "That's right, you love my sweaty foot, you love sucking on my toes." He said, grinding his foot into my face. I moaned louder, feeling my cock twitch and finally exploded. Breathing in real deep trying to catch my breath. Taking in more of his scent.

My body shivered, feeling like I was going to fall asleep. He laughed, "good boy, good boy." He pulled his foot away from my face, "you're such a good boy." I looked up at him, panting. "Yes sir. Thank you sir."

He smiled down at me, "you're welcome." He stood up, “now get your clothes off." I did as I was told. I was standing there naked in front of him, my cock still hard. "Good boy. Now lay down on the bed."

I did as I was told. I laid down on my back, my legs spread. "Now put your hands behind your head." I did as I was told. I looked up at him, "what do you want me to do?" He smiled down at me, “just lay there."



I did as I was told. He walked around the bed, getting closer to me. He got on top of me, pressing his chest into mine. He pushed his hips forward, grinding his crotch into mine. “That's right, just lay there."

I whimpered." That's right, just lay there. " He said, grinding his crotch into mine. His cock pressed against my ass, rubbing againstit." That's right, just lay there. " He said, grinding his crotch into mine.

His cock rubbed against my ass, I moaned loudly. He kept grinding his crotch into mine. “That's right, just lay there. Just let me use you." He said. "yes Sir," I whimpered. Feeling his hot breath on my skin. His rod teasingly pressing against my tight hole.

He grabbed my arms, pinning them above my head. He lifted himself up, pressing his cock against my asshole. I moaned loudly, feeling his cock press against my asshole.

"That's right, just lie there. Let me fuck that tight little asshole.” He said, pushing his cock against my asshole. I moaned loudly, feeling his cock press against my asshole.

He kept pushing his cock against my asshole, until he finally slipped inside. I screamed out, feeling my ass being stretched by his huge cock.

"That's right, scream for me." He said, sliding his cock deeper inside my ass. "Yes Sir!" I screamed, feeling his cock slide deeper inside my ass. He started pumping his cock in and out of my asshole.

"That's right, you're such a good little slut." He said, fucking my ass harder. I moaned louder, feeling his cock slide deeper inside my ass. He fucked my ass harder and harder, making me moan louder.

"Tell Me how many times this hole has been used. " Struggling to talk, my body subconsciously trying to run away, "never Sir." "Mmm that makes this so much sweeter. You love it, don't you

boy? Giving up your cherry to your new roommate, what better way to christen the place, a way to welcome me into our home. You're going to be all mine."

He said, slamming his cock deep inside my ass. I moaned loudly, feeling his cock slam deep inside my asshole. He fucked my ass harder and harder, making me moan loudly.

I felt like my body would explode. My cock twitched violently, leaking cum all over my stomach. He pulled out of my ass, leaving my hole gaping wide open.

He got off of the bed, grabbing a sock and a shoe. "Open up," putting his sweaty smelly sock in my mouth. Tied up his shoe around my head. Tasting him, breathing him. He moved to my


side, grabbing my legs, pulling them apart. He shoved his cock inside my ass again, making me scream out. He fucked my ass hard, making me scream out.

He began to pick up the pace, my screams now muffled through his sock and shoe.

I felt like my body was about to explode, but I wanted to please him more than anything else. He continued to fuck my ass, faster and faster, until I felt his cock swell inside my asshole.

He grunted loudly, shooting his load deep inside my ass. He pulled out of my ass, letting his cum drip out of my ass. He walked back to the bed, laying down next to me.

I laid there, exhausted, covered in sweat and cum. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arm around me. He kissed me on the forehead. "You are such a good boy," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm proud of you." He kissed my forehead again, before turning me on my side nesting his cock between my butt cheeks and falling asleep. The next morning, I woke up to find myself alone in the bed. I looked around the room, seeing the door still closed.

I felt sad, empty and alone in his big bed. Missing the warmth of his body, his sweet musky scent, even his feet. "I think I might've fell for him." I looked around the room reminded of the countless times I heard my last roommate bring his girlfriend to an orgasm and here I am now, his replacement has used me in a way that I never thought any man would. "How could I not love him." began to get ready for the day picking up trash and cleaning up the mess that was left behind. The kitchen looked used, scraps around, some leftovers on a plate, anote by it, I made breakfast, you wouldn't wake up and was still hungry so had a little of your share. There were some half eaten pieces of bacon and toast. I scarfed it down cleaning up the mess he left and went on with my day.

I spent the day distracted at the thought of him. Constantly bothered by the thought of missing him. It was slightly hard to sit, which didn't help, as it only reminded me of him. When a man with musk walked by, I thought of him.

When the day finally ended I rushed home. To find a sweaty Kevin sitting on the couch, "hey boy, I'm so tired it was a long day and went to the gym right after. Be a good boy and take off these shoes." Not once did he look in my direction, not even after I got down at his feet. As soon as the fresh air hit his feet he moaned in relief. The air was strong from the fresh scent. He brought them to my face, “I need them rubbed and your face is doing just the trick." Moaning deeper as he continued to grind his feet on my face.

As breathed in deep and took his treatment. I began to hear moaning. His feet bounced on and off my face. He didn't say a word, but his toes curled and as soon as it disappeared, his steel rod was inches from my face. In that moment I was stunned and saw the first spurt come towards my face. My eyes closed off out of reflex and I continued to feel every spurt gushing at my face and beginning to drip down to my chin. “Leave that on to dry, but what do you say boy," playfully slapping my face. “Thank you Sir." That's a good boy," as he wiped off the cum from his hand in my hair.

This treatment continued on every day for two weeks. I would do all the cleaning, his laundry, rubbing and worshiping his feet. He would cook, simply because he loved doing it. He would always take parts of my share cause he needed the protein leaving me with half chewed items. I quickly fell in love with him.

As the days continued on like that, that Friday, I was doing my cleaning while he went to play a pickup game with some friends. I looked forward to being at his feet, at his beck and call. There was no denying that I had such strong feelings for him that my attention once again was focused on him. hadn't heard from my last roommate and memories of Kevin began to fill my mind.

There was a knock at the door. Thinking it was the next door neighbor's cause no one truly came to visit and if they did they called first or Kevin would give me a heads up. The knock came again. I daintily walked to the door and a beautiful man was at the door. He looked so confident, he was truly fit. He didn't have the intense muscle mass that Kevin had. But he had great features, toned, a sharp jawline, well styled hair, clothing that looked like they were made for him and for him alone, all in a 6 foot physique. The thing is he looked so cool, so mesmerizing that I couldn't find any words. He smirkingly looked down at me and said, "hey boy, so you're Kevs new roommate huh," as he made his way into the apartment, getting comfortable on the couch.” "Umm Kevin's not here right now," I managed to blurt out. "Oh I know but he's on the way back already. I'm-" the door opened and in walked Kevin.

The cool stranger rushed over wrapping his arms around Kevin and they made out.

I felt so awkward standing there watching them kiss. The new guy raised his foot behind him as kissed. I noticed that his shoes were well taken care of but most of all just how big his foot was. If Kevin was a size 12 this guy who was nearly as tall as Kevin had at least 13s. wanted to go over and tell them to stop as my heart felt like it was breaking, watching the man that I've taken for, but I just stood there, frozen. Kevin pulled away from the stranger and smiled. "Hey boy, this is my boyfriend, Jasper." With just those words my heart sunk, my eyes began to mist and I looked down to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked as he placed his arm around me. "Nothing, nothing, I was just thinking about something." "You're worried about something," he said as he turned me to face him. "Yes Sir," I said softly.

As soon as I admitted that, I heard Jasper snicker, with the biggest smirk on his face. He walked up and held onto Kevin his eyes condescendingly looking down at me, "thanks for taking care of my man while I was gone," blowing a kiss my way. The minty fresh scent of his kiss hit my nostrils as I felt the air wrap around me like a vice.

"Boy, we need to talk,"as he led me to the couch. I was about to be seated, when I heard Jasper click his tongue, "boy on the floor," Kevin said. "Much better,"Jasper immediately followed, as they both got cozy on the couch. Kevin spread his legs the scent filtering out of the leg holes of his basketball shorts made its way to me, subjecting me, drawing out the submissive force, Jasper turned to sit sideways, legs draped over Kevin's leg. Jasper's foot inches away from me.

Kevin began to speak, "boy, me and Jasper have been dating for the past 3 years. So with that things are going to change, well not really, just some things. The main thing, is Jasper is going to live here with us. Don't worry you'll still have your room and we can continue what we've been doing. After all no one cares for my feet and appreciates all my scents like you do. You might not get a load anymore because Jasper, well just look at him, he does wonders. But he won't go near my feet. So I don't know if you've realized this cause it seems like you act out of instinct, which is perfect, but you've been serving me and you might as well be mine. Heck, I even said that you're mine on Day one, well make that night one," they both laughed, "so don't you worry that's not going to change. What is going to change, maybe change is too strong a word, but let's say an inclusion to serving me you'll also be serving him. After all, what's mine is his and his is mine."

They both laughed again, "what do you think boy? Are you okay with this? Cause if you aren't then you can leave right now, but you'll never hear from me again” I was speechless. I could feel myself shaking as i was trying to process everything.

My heart was racing, my breathing labored, my body was in a state of confusion, and my mind was in a state of turmoil. I didn't know what to say, so i just looked down.

They both started laughing, "you should see yourself, you're in shock," Jasper said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It's were my first."

Kevin grabbed my chin and lifted my head, "don't apologize boy, I understand, I'm just glad I found you, I wouldn't trade you for the world." Jasper continued to hold his gaze smirking as he did. "and we both know that there's no one else out there for you." "So what do you say boy? Do you want to be part of our boy?" "Well, more like." Jasper countered. "Yes Jasper is right, don't worry you'll still have an outside life, not that you have much of one, but you will effectively become our slave thing, making us your Masters."

I sat there in disbelief, stunned to the words I was hearing. I should move on. After pinning over my last roommate, wishing I could get near him, I meet Kevin who does all of this only to then have what I thought could be my first real relationship turn into this. I struggled to get over my last roommate but this one will be just as hard if not harder. Though it feels like it would be impossible. I love him. I want to be with him, even if it's just near him. Maybe it's because I was seated there in silence for too long or Jasper was just getting impatient, he tapped his shoed foot on my forehead, "Earth to boy." I looked at him grinning, my eyes averted his glare quickly, with my head bowed down, "yes Sir I will," I mumbled. Jasper laughed, "sorry what? I can't hear you boy." "Yes Sir," I said aloud. They both looked satisfied. Jasper's arm wrapped around Kevin's muscular shoulders, brushing his arm up and down, "yes Sir, what boy?" "I'll be your slave, Sir."

"Well that won't do, from now on, it's Master Jasper and Master Kevin to you boy." "Yes Master Jasper." "Good boy," Kevin said, "Now, tell me what you think of the idea of being a slave." “It's scary," I said, "but exciting." "Exciting huh," Kevin said, "well lets test that theory shall we? Consider this your initiation, your orientation, your acceptance into our service."

I looked at them both confused, they both smiled, "we are going to train you, make you ours, and make you our bitch." Jasper leaned in close, "do you want that boy?" I looked away, "yes Sir, very much." Jasper slapped my face, “I'm sorry, yes Master." “You don't ever avoid my gaze, I want you to feel my gaze, for you to know how superior i am to you. After meeting my eyes for at least 3 seconds, if you can't bear it only then can you look away. You understand boy?!" "Yes Master." He slapped me again not as hard as the first but still enough to leave an impression, then leaned back resting into Master Kevin's arms. I looked at him confused, "oh that? Ha, that's just because I can."

"Now go ahead and take your Master Kevin's shoes, he just got done playing basketball out in the sweltering heat, his puppies must be dying to get out of their sweaty and smelly confines."

"Yes Master." I started taking his shoes off. I slowly pulled each shoe off, looking up at him, watching his feet. Instantly hit with the sweaty smelly scent that could clear the room, that I've learned to crave. The TV turned on and they both settled into each other's arms, practically ignoring me as I looked on at them. He pressed one foot to my face while I rubbed the other when the scent dissipated, he switched feet. I continued to serve his feet.

Just when the scent began to fade and his feet feeling much better. They both turned their attention to me as commercials played on TV. Master Jasper began to laugh, “look at his face

babe it's all coated in sweat." Master Kevin looked on, "good job boy. Now here's the thing, you'll serve his feet too. Mine are ripe right? Well not only are his bigger, they're actually much more smelly than mine haha. But you love feet right, boy? But also you want to show your submission to us right boy?"

Master Jasper continued to look me in the eye while smiling. "Let me tell you something slave, babe here is right, mine actually grosses me out. I usually stay in shoes so I don't have to deal with it. But I'm sure with your loving kisses on my soles, it'll be much better. I do have a welcoming gift for you though. Now take off my shoe, just one, I want you to appreciate it." As soon as I took off one shoe, I gagged, hesitating looking at the sweaty foot in my hands. My eyes were tearing up yet again. I felt nearly sick to my stomach. I didn't want this i told myself. In my hesitation, he brought his foot up to my face laughing, "are you saying you don't appreciate my feet?"



He scrunched his toes grabbing and playing with my face, especially my nose. "Damn babe, what'd you do, your feet normally smell but usually not this bad. It smells like straight cheese even though I'm getting a little sick." Master Jasper laughed, well I had back to back photo shoots running from studio to studio. They had me stick my shoes and socks outside while we did the shoot. But you know what, they gave me the shoes I used as a gift. They loved every shot and figured I could use new ones. But the truth is, l intentionally didn't change my socks, using my old beat up sneaks for exactly this moment. You know I get jealous, but most of all I wanted to give slave boy a gift he would never forget," laughing as he finished his thought, foot still pressed against my face. They continued watching TV, just when he felt that was enough, "boy I think you're getting used to it or now it's like you're breathing fresh air again. After all you're breathing normally again, let's get to the other one."

My eyes flooded with tears, just when I thought it wasn't that bad anymore in a mind over matter situation. The smell somehow seemed worse. He pressed and played with my face with both feet. As this was happening Master Kevin stretched out resting his feet on my thighs and it happened. His foot made contact with my hard twitching cock, "haha good job boy." "What happened? What'd I miss,” Master Jasper asked. "Look at this, he's rock hard." "Awe I'm glad you like my feet boy, specifically my gift to you, you'll definitely be getting them much more often.” I just continued to breathe in, face burning red in humiliation, not even realizing I got hard as I focused on getting through this supposed gift. “Boy, your Master Kevin was right, your face is a great massager.”

"Alright alright, lay on your back slave," Master Kevin said. I did as ordered. As soon as I laid down, they both rested their feet on my face. The smell got even more intense. Both of them massaging their feet on my face as they watched TV. Laughing and tensing up when something happened. As they both got more comfortable the weight began to feel like it was sinking down, pressing me into the floor.

After removing their socks the weight and pressure began to change and all I could hear was moaning as they began to make out. Both of them alternating slapping my face with their now bare soles as they pressed down. When Master Jasper began prying my mouth open. Sticking his toes in. Then Master Kevin began to do the same thing. "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” Master Kevin ordered. They both would slide their soles acrossiit. My tongue started to get tired and dried up. The weight eventually lifted and left one pair on me. When I felt a foot press down on my chest. He leaned in close and spit in my open mouth a few times, Master Jasper then fully got up only to sit on Master Kevin's lap, as Master Kevin's feet pressed down on my skin. The pressure a bit more intense as Master Jasper's weight pushed Master Kevin's legs down on my face.



The weight continued to change here and there, occasionally feeling a slap from a foot. They both got undressed, clothes initially falling on my face making me breathe in their scent. When Master Jasper took off his underwear, "slave, head up," as he slid his boxer briefs around my head breathing in the scent of his. unwashed underwear learning the beautiful scent of his. The feet came back on to my face. And they began to make out yet again as Master Kevin entered Master Jasper.

Master Jasper moaned as he was entered, cowboy style. He continued to bounce up and down causing the pressure of the feet to go up and down. Both of them moaning into each other's kisses. Master Jasper got up, stood up on me before leaning over the couch. His toes digging into my body. Master Kevin also got up, standing behind Master Jasper. But before he entered, he raised my head placing all of their dirty smelling clothes under my head, removing the underwear. Then stood back up. As he moved in towards Master Jasper's body he took a step with one foot on my upper chest another placed on my head, while Master Jasper had his weight distributed on my stomach and upper thigh while he bent onto the couch.

Master Kevin turned my head to the side, planting his foot on it. I could make out the sight of Master Kevin entering Master Jasper's awaiting hole. Master Jasper gasped at the entry and his toes curled inward pressing the air out of my body.

They lovingly talked to each other, once again ignoring me. Pumping in and out. Long strokes rocking the weight of Master Kevin between his left and right foot alternating the pressure on my body. I began to groan and just as I did, they were both close. Hearing my moans put them over the edge. Hearing the groans of their slave beneath them and the power they had. Just before Master Jasper could release he moved his foot from my upper thigh to my erection. As I was about to burst, Master Jasper angled his cock towards my body, splattering it with cum. His ass tightened pushing Master Kevin over the edge. He pulled out spraying the load on my face and body mixing it in together.