The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Uber Ticklish (PART I)

by Ticklish Tickler

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"Tyson?" I asked my customer opened the car door.  He nodded in confirmation and allowed his companion to slide in the backseat first, Tyson following behind him.


"Hey, man," he said once settled in. "You're Jason?"  I nodded. "Great, did you see that we are making two stops?"


"Yup, got them," I responded, pulling out into traffic.  I glanced in the mirror to check out my two Uber riders this evening.


Tyson looked to be in his thirties. Reasonably good looking and trim. But his companion is who caught my eye.  He looked to be in his mid-twenties and was strikingly handsome with what appeared to be a lean, ripped body.


Both of them were wearing suits, apparently returning from a formal event.  Fortunately, neither were wearing ties and I spotted some nice wisps of dark chest hair protruding from the unknown rider's open collar.


As we snaked through Saturday-evening traffic in the city, Tyson settled back against the passenger door, pulling his leg up and sliding it behind his companion.  His companion in turned leaned his muscular body against Tyson's torso, relaxing against him.  Tyson wrapped his arms around his companion. 


I found myself glancing back at the two of them as we progressed slowly toward their first stop. They talked quietly, so quietly that I couldn't hear the conversation. Tyson slowly unbuttoned his companion's shirt  as they talked until the top 3 or 4 buttons were unbuttoned and his shirt was open down almost to his abs.


Tyson casually combed his fingers through the sexy carpet of silky black hair covering his partner's muscular chest.  I've always found a hairy chest sexy. which led me to rub my growing hard on while sneaking peaks of the duo.  The stud was fully relaxed and enjoying the feel of Tyson's stroking of his chest, reaching his right arm up and around Tyson's neck in a reverse fondle.


At one point, their voices raised to the point I could hear parts of the conversation.  "I can't believe you said that about her!" Tyson complained.


"Dude, you know it's true!" his companion fired back, followed by a teasing laugh.


"C'mon, man, that's not cool," Tyson protested, a little annoyed. "Take it back!"


"Hell no, Tyson!" he responded, his smile growing and making clear that he was intentionally provoking Tyson. "I'm just saying what you know is true but are too chickenshit to say yourself."


"Austin, you'd better take it back," he threatened. "Or I will make you!" he added, a coy smile on his face.  It seemed to take Austin a minute to grasp what action Tyson was planning to take that would convince him to take his comment back.


"Ah, dude, c'mon!" he protested, tensing his body but not withdrawing his arm from its position around Tysons neck. "You know how ticklish I ammmmmahahahahah…!"  His protest dissolved into laughter as Tyson slid his hand from Austin's hairy chest down to his rib cage and launched a not-so-surprise tickle attack.


Austin roared with laughter and squirmed madly, but interestingly didn't bring his arm down to try to block Tyson.  After a few seconds of mad tickling, Austin finally pulled his arm down and attempted to squirm out of reach of Tyson.  But Tyson had a good grip on him and with his hand inside Austin's shirt, he couldn't easily escape.


I was glad the traffic had backed up at a light so I could keep watching uninterrupted as the impromptu tickling and wrestling match broke out between the two studs. Clearly, these guys had no idea how much tickling turns me on, so I was thankful they couldn’t see the bulge that had formed in my jeans from my swollen cock, my free hand madly rubbing it.


Austin eventually ended up in a prone position on the seat as he tried desperately to escape Tyson's tickle attack. But Tyson was intent on  punishing Austin for his innaopriiate comment, and eventually they wound up with Austin face down on my backseat and Tyson, who is bigger in stature than Austin, laying on top of him so he was pinned down and at Tyson's mercy.  Tyson managed to grab Austin's wrists and pin them above his head while he mercilessly tickled his side, his fingers squeezing and dancing from his obliques up to his apparently super sensitive armpit.


Austin was in roaring with laughter and squirming madly underneath the weight of Tyson's body. "Okay, okay!" Austin finally managed to blurt out. "Mercy!  Mercy!"  Tyson eventually stopped tickling and allowed him to regain his breath.


"Are you ready to apologize and take it back?" Tyson asked, clearly enjoying having put Austin in his place.


"Okay, okay," Austin said quietly.  And then a mischievous smile overcame his face. "I'm sorry....I didn't say she's not just fat but she's ugly, too!" he blurted out, apparently preferring defiance to an apology.


"You fucker!" Tyson cried out, launching another tickle attack on Austin's exposed side. "You are in big trouble now." He continued tickling him for another two or three minutes while Austin cried out with laughter, squirmed and begged him to stop. 


Meanwhile we slowly snaked through traffic and I watched as much of it as I could, although I was glad I had a camera on the rear view mirror for capturing what happwns inside my Uber so I could go back later and watch the whole video uninterrupted.


When he'd had enough, Austin finally screamed out a desperate apology and recanted his critique of the woman from the wedding they'd been discussing.  We rolled up to the first address five minutes later. Tyler said goodbye to Austin and exited the car.


"I'm dropping you at the 435 16th Street address?" I confirmed with Austin, glad his was the second stop.  I was especially glad since he settled against the back seat, centered so he was perfectly aligned with my rear view mirror, and placed his outstretched arms wide across the back of the seat, providing an amazing view of his hairy chest.  Between Tyler unbuttoning his shirt and their wrestling around in the backseat ,which caused his shirt to fall out of his pants, I had a very nice view of his hairy chest and even a bit of his flat, hairy abs peeking out from his disheveled button-down shirt.


"Busy night?" Austin asked in his deep baritone voice, friendly smile on his face. I was glad he was open to chatting.


"Yeah, it has been," I responded. "The traffic in the city tonight hasn't helped either.  Sorry the ride has taken so long."


"No problem, man," he answered. "I know you can't control the traffic."  We both chuckled.


"How long have you and Tyler been dating?" I asked.


"Oh, we're not dating," he responded. I raised my eyebrows in the mirror, wondering what their relationship is since they sure looked like a couple based on their playful banter and close contact.  "Yeah, um, Tyler is a…er…client."


"What kind of business do you all do together?" I blurted out without thinking. "You sure looked like you're a couple!"


He flashed a big smile, unfazed my blunt interrogation. "Let's just say I specialize in making men's fantasies come true," he answered coyly flashing me a devilish smile.  I felt like an idiot opening such a Pandora's box without thinking it through.


"Oh, gotcha," I responded awkwardly. "Sorry, man, didn’t mean to pry or be nosy."  He continued smiling, but the awkward silence was making me uncomfortable. "With that sexy hairy chest of yours, I'm sure you do quite well," I suddenly blurted out, choosing an adwardly personal way to break the silence.


"Thanks, man," he said, his sexy smile still radiating on his face. "You enjoy seeing a guy with a hairy chest?"


"Uh, yeah," I said, still feeling like I'd entered awkward territory but also finding my dick getting hard talking about it with such a hot dude.  "I mean, you look like you go to the gym and are pretty well built, and all, Austin, " I prattled on nervously. "And, well, you know a lot of gym rats think a hairy chest and abs are a bad thing, like it's covering up the muscle and all so they often wax or shave it. I like how masculine it is." I felt like I was blabbing on and making the situation even more awkward so just shut up.


"A gym rat, huh?" he said, flashing me a coy smile. "Dude, I actually agree with you," Austin said. "I've never understood this obsession with smooth bodies. I like a hairy chest too and think it looks good on guys, me included. Truthfully, I think it helps get me clients who, like you, appreciate a hairy chest and have trouble finding hairy-chested male escorts these days."


I was getting turned out by all of this open talk about hairy-chested dudes, but frankly didn't know where to take the conversation at this point.  Fortunately, he broke the silence.


"Man, it's a pretty warm night. I'm getting a bit hot," he said, a sly smile on his face.


"Oh, sorry, I can turn up the air conditioning," I offered, reaching for the climate control on the dash.


"Nah, man, i't's okay," he interrupted me. "I'll just open my shirt to cool off." He slowly unbuttoned the rest of shirt, pulling it back away from his body and then returned his arms to an outstretched position, giving me a full-on view of his hot, lean, muscular torso with a sexy matte of black hair across his powerful chest and cascading down his flat abs. He sported broad shoulders with a narrow waist and not an ounce of body fat.


"Oh yeah, that's a much better solution, Austin," I said with a chuckle. I took in the sight, glad traffic was backed up and we were barely moving so I could direct my attention to the backseat, unconcerned about staring since he was obviously teasing me.


"What's your name by the way?" he asked.


"I'm Jason," I answered.


"I've always liked the name Jason.  Nice to meet you," he said with a warm smile and confident laugh. "Listen, Jason, I'm open for the rest of the night and it's still early. I’m wondering if you have a fantasy I might be able to help fulfill for you?"


I was caught off guard with his sudden proposition. "Well…um….I don't know, man," I sputtered nervously. "Um, I don' don't really have typical vanilla fantasies so I doubt you'd be interested." I stammered followed by a nervous chuckle.


"Oh yeah?  That's cool man," he said, his sexy, smooth baritone voice wafting to the front seat. "I'm pretty open minded. Mind sharing what  really turns you on?"


I cleared my throat nervously, feeling like our conversation had taken an even more awkward turn, and now I was o\in the hot seat to share my deepest and darkest fantasies with this stranger.


"Dude, it's okay," he said softly.  "Trust me, I've heard it all and I promise no judgment. This is what I do after all.  And as I said, I'm quite open minded.  And in the unlikely event your fantasy is beyond what I'm open to, no problem. We'll start part friends, man."


His kind smile was reassuring and his calm, reassuring voice helped to calm my sudden nerves. And since we were still 15 minutes from his place, I figured I didn't have much to lose at this point.  If things turned awkward, I'd drop him and never have to see him again.


"Well, I have a few fantasies I suppose," I said slowly. "For starters, I have a bit of a foot fetish."


"Yeah?  Me too," he said with a chuckle. "Do you like to play with other guy's feet?  Or have your feet played with?"


"Mostly I like to play with other guy's feet."


"That's hot. I enjoy when guys give my feet attention. I've been told by clients who are into feet that I have really nice feet.  One guy even called them pretty," he continued, chuckling after his statement. I felt my dick get even harder hearing him say that. "I think it's because I take really good care of them. They are super soft, no callouses and I even get pedicures regularly. What would you want to do with my feet?"


"Well, I love to lick and nibble a dude's soles," I said quietly, shocked I was having this conversation with a random Uber customer.


"That sounds hot, man," Austin responded.  I was certain he was trying to sell me on a session, but truthfully I didn't care at this point. "And do you like so suck a guy's toes? I find that a big turn on myself."


"Oh yeah," I responded, almost breathless, like we were sharing secrets. "What size feet do you have?"


"Size 11, Jason," he responded.  "With high arches. And long toes. I'm betting you would like to play with them?"


"Ah fuck," I blurted out hazily. "Yeah, man."


"My only caution I give to every guy who wants to play with my feet is that they are very, VERY ticklish."


"Yeah?" I said, my cock instantly throbbing as it pressed against my jeans. "You don't like to be tickled?"


"It's not that," he answered with a chuckle. "A little light tickling can sometimes be a turn on. But I warn guys about it since if you get very aggressive with your mouth, like letting your teeth graze against my soles, it can be like a fucking electrical shock for me.  It tickles so bad that my natural instinct is to pull my foot back or my leg jumps and I've accidentally kicked some guys in the face before."  We both laughed.


"Jesus!" I said. "Don't think I'd want to be kicked in the face."


"Most guys don't," he responded with a chuckle. "Look, you just have to make sure you've got a good, tight grip on my ankle if you start getting aggressive with your tongue or teeth on my poor soles. That's all.  Then you can keep me from accidentally kicking you."


"Well, that brings up another of my turn ons," I said, deciding to go all in on this conversation. "I also majorly turned on when I get a guy tied up. So if I have you tied down in some way, then I wouldn't have to worry about you kicking me, right?"


He laughed. "Well, I suppose you are right about that. What do you like to do to a guy when you have him tied up?"


"I like to tease his body and edge him, bringing him close to shooting but not letting him, back and forth until he's begging me to get him off." I couldn't believe we were having this discussion nor could I believe how much it was turning me on.


"Fuck," he responded, "That sounds so hot.  And so unbearable if I'm the one you have tied down."  We both chuckled.  "I'm open to bondage scenes  if I trust the guy, Jason.  But I do charge extra if your scene includes me getting tied up.  But no extra charge if you're the one getting tied up," he added with a chuckle.


"So what would a bondage session cost?" I asked as we snaked through traffic and neared his drop off point. 


"So my normal hourly charge is $200, but if I'm getting tied up, then it would be $250," he answered confidently.


"Ah, I see," I responded. I remained silent and continued driving toward his house, hoping my silence would result in him offering me a discount.  I wasn't disappointed.


"But, Jason," he said, finally breaking the long silent pause, "given it's almost 9 and I'm not likely to get another booking tonight, I'd be willing to offer you a discount and just charge the standard $200 rate."  I smiled but said nothing, continuing the drive and creating even more awkward silence until we pulled up to his place.


"This your place?" I asked.


"Yup, that's it," he responded. "I don't really have any bondage equipment so if you're interested in getting me tied up tonight, we'd probably be best to head to your place."


"Yeah, I don't know, Austin," I responded, turning to look at him now that we were parked.  I loved being able to take in the full view of his hairy torso in all it's glory. "Trust me, having a dude as hot as you tied up is a huge turn on. But I was still planning to drive for a couple more hours to hit my earnings goal tonight, and I'm afraid your generously discounted offer is still too rich for my budget."


He smiled, relieved at least the option was still on the table. He realized we were simply negotiating at this point. "I get it, Jason," he responded, "and I'm willing to work with you on the terms a bit.  I guess I'd want to know what you would be willing to pay to get me stripped naked and tied down for an hour so you can tease me until I'm begging for you to get me off?"   My dick was straining in my jeans.


"Hmmm…" I said, a sly smile on my face. "I don't know, I guess I'd have to think about it."


"Well, before you answer, it occurs to me it might help if you could actually get a preview of my amazing feet, since you have such a big foot fetish," he answered, smiling and staring intently at me while he lifted his right leg up and onto the center console between the front seats. He was wearing expensive black leather dress shoes beneath his suit pants.


"May I?" I asked, glancing down at his shoe.  He smiled and nodded. I slowly untied his shoe and slipped it off his foot, setting it on the passenger seat beside me.  The smell of quality leather and slight foot odor wafted up, and he wriggled his foot to tease me.  I reached down and slowly explored  his sole covered in very thin stretch socks, taking in every curve of his size 11 foot with my fingers.


"I think you'll really appreciate my bare foot since it's so soft," he said softly in his deep, sexy baritone voice, wiggling his toes as an invitation to remove the sock. I smiled and slowly pull his sock off and exposing his bare foot.  I explored his sole with my fingers.  He was right, his bare foot was exceptional. Perfect high arch, long symmetrical toes and baby-soft soles.


"Jesus, you weren't kidding!" I blurted out. "No callouses or rough spots whatsoever," I continued, stroking my fingernail across his heel and up his foot.  His foot flexed suddenly at my touch. "And these amazing high arches!" I added, stroking my fingernail up the length of this sole up to his toes.


He burst into laughter. I shot him a taunting look and began slowly dancing my fingertips up his and down his sole, intentionally tickling him. He cocked his head back filling the car with deep baritone laughter. "C'mon, Jason, I told you I’m really ticklish!" he protested. But interestingly, he didn't pull his foot back and out of my reach.


"Dude, I know!" I responded sarcastingly. "That's why I can't resist." My dick was now pressing hard against my jeans as I watched this stud squirm and laugh. He allowed me to tickle his foot for another ten seconds or so and finally yanked his foot back and out of my reach.


"Oh my God!" he commented as he scratched his tormented sole. "You have a devilish streak, don't you?" he said, a teasing smile on his face.  "I'm thinking I may be in big trouble if I let you tie me up, huh?"  I just smiled smugly.  "Well, man, now that you've gotten to inspect the merchandise what do you say?"


"Well, I definitely think it could be a lot of fun," I responded, "But for me to take the rest of the night off and come out of pocket, max I can afford is a hundred bucks."


He looked a little annoyed, probably frustrated that I was low-balling him.  But I also knew given the late hour, he could either go home and make nothing or pick up a few more bucks tonight by spending an hour with me.


"Tell you what," he said, flashing a smile, "I Like you, and frankly, you're much hotter than most of the guys who hire me so I think it could be fun.  If you can make it $140 plus free Uber rides to your place and back to mine, you've got a deal."


"$110!" I countered.


$120!" he replied with a smile. I agreed, turned and pulled the car out of the parking spot, headed for my place.  "Fortunately, I only live about 10 or 15 minutes from here," I commented. I heard a noise beside me and looked down to see that he'd returned his leg and sexy bare foot to the center console.  I instinctively reached down and began rubbing and fondling his bare foot as I drove, my dick immediately getting hard again.


After a minute, he placed his other leg between the seat, resting his left foot on the console as well.  I went to work untying and removing his shoe while I sped through the streets, anxious to get home and get this stud tied up and at my mercy.  After fondling his socked foot, I removed his sock, although that wasn't so easy to do one handed while I drove with my other hand.


As I rubbed and played with his feet, I purposely tickled his sole occasionally, and he responded with a giggle or yelp and a jerk of his foot, but never tried to pull his foot back and out of the way.  I knew he was going to be a perfect bondage and tickle victim for me.


I entered the alley behind my house and opened the garage door to pull the car in.  "Dude, you have a garage in the city?" he asked with surprise, "That's so rare!"


"Yeah, makes it easier to keep the car clean for work," I said. "The house has four units but only 2 garage spaces so I snagged one when I moved in. It does cost me an extra $250 a month." 


"Guess I'd better get my shoes, socks and shirt back on before I go parading through your building," he said with a laugh, pulling his feet back into the back seat.


"Nah, man, never mind," I said, "It's very quiet with just four apartments and mine is in the basement so we won't see anyone."  He nodded, grabbed his shoes, socks and jacket and followed me through the small backyard to the entrance to my building.  The building was originally a three-story house, but had been split into apartments with a stairwell added to the back.  We headed down to the basement and entered my apartment.


"This is nice, Jason," he said, taking a look around. 


"Thanks, man, " I said.  "It doesn't have much light but has some definite advantages, which I'll show you when we head back to my bedroom to get you tied up.  Beer?"  He nodded and I tossed him one, grabbing one for myself.  After a quick tour of the apartment, I took him to the back where my bedroom is.


"What I love about this bedroom is that it was added during the construction of the stairwell and runs underneath the backyard," I explained.  "So it's exceptionally quiet since it's essentially an underground bunker.  Which means if things get uncomfortable for you while I'm teasing and taunting you body, you can yell as loud as you want and no neighbors will come running."  I said with a hearty laugh.  He looked a little uneasy, not sure what I had in mind.


"Okay if I shower first?" he asked.  I nodded and showed him to the bathroom, handing him a bath towel.  I went to work preparing my king-sized bed with my bondage equipment.  He eventually emerged from the bathroom, skin glistening and wearing only a towel.  He was such a vision.


"Dude, I think you need to get a little more comfortable," he said, walking up to me, grabbing the bottom of my polo shirt and lifting it up over my body.  I cooperated, raising my hands above my head so he could slip my shirt off completely.  He unbuckled my belt and pants and quickly de-pantsed me, leaving me standing there with just my boxer briefs on.  He stepped back to take in the full view of my nearly naked body, his eyes scanning up and down.  "Much better!"


I smiled and pointed to the bed.  He complied, dropping the towel and laying down on the bed. Even soft, he sported a decent manhood.  I moved quickly, securing one wrist to the leather restraint tied to the corner of the bed. I moved to the other side, pulled on his arm to make sure he was centered on the king-sized bed and secured his other wrist to the restraint.


I moved to the foot of the bed and grabbed both ankles, giving his body a yank to pull it down the bed and make sure his arms were stretched taut and torso wide open and helpless. I quickly secured each ankle into place, making sure his body was stretched tight before fastening the last one.


I stepped back and took in the sight of this masculine stud tied spread eagle, his naked, hairy body at my complete mercy.  I noticed his dick had gotten a tad hard already. "Dude, I've not even touched you and you already have some wood!" I teased, followed by a laugh.


"Yeah, I think the kinky side of me is betraying me.  It's a little unnerving to be so tightly bound and helpless like this, wondering what you have planned for me," he responded. "And damn if my predicament doesn't make me hard!"  We both laughed.


"I think it might be even more fun take away one of your senses," I commented, opening a drawer to retrieve a fur-lined mask.


"I'd rather see your hot body!" he protested as I wrapped the strap around his head and covered his eyes.


"Don't worry, we'll only start out this way," I reassured. "I'll remove it at some point so you can see me and how hard I get teasing and working you over."  I chuckled and finished securing the blindfold so he had zero visibility.


After waiting 30 seconds to build a little anticipation, I started tracing a finger across his chest, through the sexy matte of hair covering his muscular pecs. My finger eventually reached one of his nipples, where it stopped and tickled for a bit to see how sensitive his nips are.  I was rewarded with almost-immediate squirming and eventually light giggling.


"Sensitive nips?" I asked teasingly.


"Very!" he replied.


"And hard-wired to your dick I see?" noticing his cock starting to rise to the occasion.  He chuckled but didn't say anything, just continuing his light giggling and squirming.  I eventually allowed my fingertip to continue across his hairy chest until it arrived at his other nipple, where I repeated the nipple tickling and got a similar response.


Eventually, I allowed my fingertip to follow the treasure chest of hair from his the center of his chest to his belly button, where once again I tickled lightly and explored his belly button.  He started giggling and squirming again, only a little more aggressively, indicating this tickled even more than his nips. 


I eventually explored his rippling abs with my fingertip, gliding effortlessly through the matte of hair cascading down his six pack.  Every so often, my fingernail would graze across an invisible land mine of sensitivity causing his stomach to spasm uncontrollably. He would gasp or giggle with each lucky strike.


Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but notice his dick was now hard and standing up straight, clearly indicating he was enjoying the attention my fingertip was paying to his torso.  Eventually I allowed my fingertip to travel across his lower abdomen down to his oblique and begin the long, zig zagging path up his side.


I allowed my finger to linger longer when it reached his rib cage, slowly exploring each rib individually, causing him to tense up and hold his breath but manage to not laugh.  But when my fingertip began to head upward toward his pit, his body instinctively tensed up in anticipation of what was to come.


The closer my finger came to his exposed, vulnerable armpit, he began shaking his head no.  "Please don't," was all he said.


"Please don't what?" I asked in a teasing voice as I allowed my finger to slowly meander closer to his pit.


"Please don'!" he responded, dissolving into laughter  as my finger reached his sensitive pit before he could finish his sentence. I allowed my fingertip and nail to fully explore his massive, hair-lined pit, dancing circles and finding every unbearably sensitive spot.  He roared with laughter and yanked futilely on the restraints holding his arm out and leaving him vulnerable to attack.


"Jesus, you weren't kidding about being ticklish!" I said with a chuckle as I savored tickling his pit. He could only respond with roaring laughter, wild yanking and pleading for mercy, all of which made my dick press hard against my underwear and ooze precum. 


After a minute of torment, I allowed my finger to continue its trek up the sensitive underneath side of his tricep. While tickling him there didn't produce quite as violent of a reaction, it didn't allow him to calm down and quit laughing. I finally took pity on him and stopped my unbearable attack, moving to the foot of the bed while caught his breath.


"Oh my God!" he finally blurted out.  "Dude, you have an evil streak in you don't you?"  I just chuckled but didn't indulge him with a verbal response.  When I reached his helpless bare feet, each one stretched out and secured to the corner posts, I knelt on the floor beside his left foot.


Slowly I leaned in, sticking my tongue out and pressing forward until my tongue made contact with the tender sole of his foot.  He jumped, caught off guard by the unexpected touching of his sole after a period of silence.  I slowly began licking up and down his size 11 sole, lapping up every inch of it.  His foot squirmed and he moaned softly as I worked his sole.  I noticed his dick stayed rock hard and even oozed precum.


I explored his foot with my mouth for a full minute, eventually sliding up to his toes and sucking each one, something that made him squirm a little and giggle softly.  I finally grabbed his toes with one hand and pulled his foot back so it was stretched taut, and used my mouth to explore his skin but this time nibbled and even allowed my teeth to gently scrape against his moistened skin.


It didn't take long for my more aggressive moves to overwhelm his senses and his giggling turned to laughter.  He tried to flex his foot and move it away from my unbearable exploration but I maintained a solid grip on his toes and held it firmly in place.  That seemed to make him laugh even harder, perhaps feeling more out of control.


Finally, I pulled my mouth back and teased him again, "Dude, your feet are just too ticklish for your own good!" I launched a tickle attack with my free hand, my fingers dancing up and down his super sensitive soles.  He cried out and roared with deep, sexy baritone laughter, the tickling sensations proving unbearable for him.


"Please, not my feet!" he begged.  "Please don't tickle my feet!"  But of course, his desperate pleas only turned me on more and made me tickle more aggressively.  I made him suffer for a minute or two before stopping and giving him a break.


I then slid over to his other foot and repeated the entire process again, starting with my tongue, which once again caught him off guard since he was blindfolded and didn't see it coming.  I ended with a tickle attack on that sole, enjoying a similar desperate response from him.


I gave him a sip of water from a water bottle and allowed him to catch his breath.  After letting him wait for a minute and wonder what was coming next, I took a long, white, stiff-barbed feather from my tickle drawer and brought it over to his torso, just an inch from his nipple.  Slowly I lowered it until it the tip made contact with his nipple, causing him to jump from the unexpected touch. 


I began slowly swirling the tip across and around his nipple. He started squirming and giggling. I grabbed a second feather and used it on his other nipple, causing his squirming and giggling to amp up more.  Eventually I allowed the feathers to make random tracks across his torso, down to his abs and poking it into his belly button, up his sides across his rib cage and even to his armpits.


His squirming and giggling got more intense the longer it continued.  "Jesus, what the fuck IS that?!" he finally cried out.


"What do you think it is?" I asked teasingly.


"It feels fucking feather!" he exclaimed.


"Ding, ding, ding!" I teased, continuing the random patterns across his body.  Eventually I allowed one of the feathers to continue down his leg, plunging down to his inner thigh and begin a teasing path toward his crotch. 


"No, not there!" he cried out as the feather got dangerously close to his exposed and swollen balls. 


"You mean here?" I teased, using the feather to tickle his balls.  He completely lost it, roaring with loud laughter and yanking on his restraints in a futile attempt to free his body and move his super sensitive balls away from the torment of my feather. Seeing what a horribly weak spot his balls were, I brought the other feather down now and began painting both of his balls with the feathers, delighting in the sound of his loud, deep laughter and mad squirming.


"Oh my God!" he blurted out. "I had no fucking idea my balls were so....t..t....TICKLISH!"


"You are so fucked, buddy!" I said adding an evil laugh. I LOVE it when a hot dude has ticklish balls and poor Austin might just be unlucky enough to have the most ticklish balls I've ever seen.  I settled into position straddling one of his legs to further pin his torso down and mercilessly tickled his poor balls for several unbearable minutes.  Occasionally I would allow one of the feathers to stroke up the sensitive underneath side of his rock-hard cock, which made him squirm even more .


Eventually I was using both feathers to stroke in unison up and down his shaft, one on the underneath side and one on the top side, basically feather jacking him.  He squirmed and giggled, but mostly was just getting turned on.  I would occasionally stroke his swollen cockhead with the feathers, which seemed to tickle him more but also turned him on, his head oozing precum. 


But I wanted to continue the exploration with the feathers so continued down his inner thighs with the feathers.  I teased under his knees, which turned out to be sensitive and  caused him to squirm and giggle. And eventually I slid the feathers down to his feet.  I think he was surprised how ticklish the tops of his feet were as the feathers stroked up and down them.  He really giggled and squirmed when I brought the feathers to the soles of his feet.


But he really lost it when I started pressing the feathers between the space between his toes.  Guys are always surprised when someone helps them discover how incredibly ticklish they are between the toes.  And Austin was no exception.  I tormented him between his toes for several minutes, pulling his toes apart and holding them apart with one hand while plunging the stiff barbs of the feathers through the opening, back and forth, back and forth while he laughed and squirmed madly.


Seeing him squirm like that with light tickling, I had to drop the feathers and get my mouth involved once again, licking, sucking, and nibbling his feet and toes.  The more my teeth got in on the action, the worse it tickled. He wa squirming madly, yanking on his legs and laughing out loud with his deep baritone voice that wreaked of masculinity.


Finally I stopped and let him regain his composure while I silently moved to the head of the bed, bringing a feather down to just above his elbow, slowly stroking it down his sensitive tricep.  He instantly tightened his arm, holding back any laughter but straining to not lose it.  As soon as the feather plunged into his massive pit, though, he burst into laughter and giggled as I explore his pit with both feathers following random patterns.  I simultaneously tickled both pits with the feathers while he squirmed and giggled, the light sensations driving him mad.


I finally gave him a break and some water.  He finally sputtered, "Hey, what happened to the edging you promised?"


I laughed at his demands,  glancing at my watch.  It had been more than 15 minutes so I decided to grant his wish, grabbing a bottle of lube, pouring some into my right hand and began working his hard dick.  He was quickly moaning, thoroughly enjoying the attention his cock was getting.  Of course, I had to taunt him some so picked up one of the feathers and began tickling his balls with one hand while stroking his dick with the other.  He was giggling, squirming, moaning, crying out from time time to time, thoroughly lost in the mixture of pleasure and torment.


I worked his dick until he was close to shooting.  I wanted to bring him as close to the edge as possible and frustrate the hell out of him when I let go.  "I'm going to shoot!" he cried out. "I'm going to shoot!"  I gave his cock a few more strokes and then stopped.  "Shit!" he cried out in frustration. "Don't stop, please!"


"Oh, Dude," I said teasingly. "Surely you didn't think I was just going to get you off yet.  I have plenty more in store for you.  But first, let's get this blindfold off so you can see what's coming next."  I moved to his head and carefully removed the blindfold securely affixed around his head.  He worked to adjust his eyes to light once again, eventually focusing in on me and gazing up and down my torso.


"Oh, yeah, man," he said. "Much better!"  We both chuckled and I probably blushed some at the subtle compliment. I decided to climb up on the bed, straddling his waist with my knees so I was towering over him and had an unparalleled view of his torso.  "That's even better, Dude!" he blurted out, and I chuckled again, also enjoying the close up view of my torso.


"Yeah?" I responded.  "Kinda' thinking the same thing. Dude, you have the hottest fucking upper body of any guy I've met," I said as I drunk in the site of this seriously hot stud, my dick pressing hard against my underwear.


"Thanks, man," he said, a cocky smile on his face knowing that he was driving me mad.


"The thing I find super interesting, though, is here you are, one of the most masculine, tough, muscular dudes I've ever met," I said teasingly.  "Sexy, massive hairy chest, crazy big guns.  Like seriously, if you wanted to, you could literally pummel average old me to a pulp and I'd be unable to defend myself from such a muscle stud as you."  I stroked my fingertips through the hair covering his chest, gently stroking and tweaking his hardening nips.


"Ah, man, thanks for the compliments," he said.  I could feel his dick perking up and pressing against my back so clearly he was enjoying my appreciation of his body. "Dude, you're anything but average," he continued. "Like I said you are in the top like three-percent of hotness in terms of dudes that have hired me.  My average client is a 40-year-old fat guy with glasses. You've got a great bod, and I think you'd hold your own pretty well if we were to ever fight.  But why in the hell would I ever want to fight you?"


"Dude, you are so kind," I said in response. "Glad you like what you see.  So why would you want to punch me?  'Cause the  crazy part is despite how tough you are in appearance, you have this serious weakness of being hopelessly ticklish," I continued in a teasing voice.  I punctuated my comment by stroking my fingers teasingly across his washboard abs, causing them to spasm uncontrollably and his body to tighten in response as he worked to keep from giggling.


"Ah, Dude, c'mon you're not going to take advantage of my weakness when I'm tied up like this can't escape?" he asked, a slight panic in his voice.


"See that's the thing, and why you're probably gonna' want to punch me," I continued. "There's something just so fucking hot about a tough, masculine dude like you being reduced to a helpless, giggling little boy with just a few well-placed pokes and squeezes that really turns me on," I responded, wrapping my fingertips around his obliques . "I just can't help taking advantage!"


I  squeezed his obliques, gently pressing my fingertips into his lean body., a devilish smile on my face.  He arched his back off the table and burst out into laughter, caught off guard by my move.  The more I squeezed, the more animated he became.  I eventually worked my tormenting fingertips and squeezing up his side to his rib cage, which also produced a violent reaction as he yanked on his restraints and filled the room with his deep, masculine, baritone laughter.


But when I leaned forward and continued my trek up his sides clearly heading for his massive, exposed armpits, the panic in his eyes was unmistakable. "No, please!" he cried out. "Not my pits!  Not my piiiiiiiiits!" His pleas dissolved into helpless laughter as my dancing fingertips explored every inch of his hairy pits for a good two minutes.  He was bucking as much as his restraints allowed, giving me quite a ride.  He yanked futilely at his restraints, desperate to protect his unbearably ticklish pits but helpless to do so.


The sight of this tough, muscular dude completely out of control, laughing madly and begging for mercy was truly one of the hottest things I'd experienced, especially as I worked hard to keep my body in position while straddling his bucking torso.  My cock was fully engorged and pressing hard against my underwear, a wet spot formed from my precum.


I probably could have just sat there and tortured his unbearably ticklish pits all night long, but eventually I had to give him a break to catch his breath, once again giving him a desperately needed sip of water.  Once he finally caught his breath, all he could get out was, "You are fucking evil, man."  I roared with laughter, considering that a compliment.


"I don't know, would someone evil do this for you?" I asked as I squeezed out some lube and started working his dick, getting it rock hard and stroking rhythmically for a couple of minutes until he was getting close once again to shooting.  He cried out in pleasure.


"I'm gonna' shoot!" he warned.  I kept up my stroking but slowed it down and spent more time teasing his sensitized cockhead, which drove him crazy but also kept him on edge without letting him shoot.  "Please let me cum!" he finally blurted out, desperate for relief.


"Ah, yeah, not quite yet," I said, removing my hand from his cock and grabbing a towel to dry it off.  "No, I think I need to spend a little more time with these amazing feet of yours," I said, moving to the foot of the bed. 


"Ah, no man, really I think you've spent enough time with my feet," he said teasingly, knowing full well he had zero control over where I focused on next. "Seriously, Dude, my dick could use a lot more attention."  We both chuckled at the absurdity of him asking me to get him off.


I looked at my helpless prisoner, bound in a tight spread-eagle position, his sexy bare feet facing me and completely vulnerable to my devilish whims. "I'm gonna' say it again," I said, a devilish smile on my face, "I just can't get over the idea of a big, tough, cocky dude like you having such insanely ticklish feet. I bet I can make you beg with just a minute or two of a little koochy koo with my fingers."


He looked at me, a mixture of fear and rebellion in his eyes.  "Fuck you," was all he said. That was all the challenge I needed, as I dropped my fingers down to where his feet lay helpless.  The closer my wigging fingertips came to his soles, the more panicked he looked and his legs both tensed up anticipating the torment about to be unleashed on him.  He looked up at me with a pitiful look on his face.  "Please don't," he said in a soft, pleading tone, clearly changing his defiant tone. i think he realized he'd gone too far in showing attitude and knew he was about to be severely punished.


I finally unleashed my tickle attack on both of his soft soles at the same time.  He burst out immediately with loud, deep laughter that was music to my ears.  I proceeded to torment his poor soles for three minutes straight, no breaks, no letting up.  He roared with laughter, thrashed madly and finally his laughter dissolved to desperate pleading for me to stop.  Of course, that only turned me on and made me want to keep tickling, which I did.


I finally gave the poor guy a break and stopped my attack.  "Yup, gotcha' begging in under two minutes!" I said with a cocky chuckle.  After giving him another swig of water, I returned to the foot of the bed, dropped to my knees and began exploring both of his bound feet with my mouth, tongue and teeth.  His cock was rock hard as I worked his soles. When I let my teeth graze across his tender skin, he would giggle and his foot would wriggle and he tried to pull it out of reach.  But the bonds didn't make that possible.


I could tell after five minutes of working on his sexy, soft soles he was seriously turned on so I decided to slide up to his crotch, squeeze out some more lube and start working his cock . Once again I brought him right to the edge of shooting, his back arching off the bed, ready for relief when I withdrew my hand. He cried out in desperation begging me to get him off.  But I still had time on the clock.


I returned to his soles with the lube, where I coated his soft feet with a generous layer of lube, rubbing and smoothing it in. I then grabbed a couple of electric toothbrushes from my torture drawer, and flicked on the first one.  "What the hell is that?" he called out, unsure what the sound was.


"That?" I said teasingly.  "That's your worst nightmare, given how ticklish these feet of yours are."  I touched the spinning bristles against his heel, causing him to cry out in surprise.  I began slowly exploring his entire sole with the bristles spinning at 200 RPM. With his feet lubricated by the lube, those stiff bristles glided effortlessly across his his super ticklish skin.  He roared with laughter, unable to hold back any reaction


"Oh fuck!" he cried out.  " like fuck!" he complained at the top of his lungs, his soles flexing and wriggling madly.  I switched the other brush on.  "No, not two!" he cried out in protest.  Of course, I reached out and applied the spinning bristles to his other sole, his voice raising an octave in uncontrollable laughter. I continued to explore both soles with the brushes, including his toes and between his toes, for a couple of minutes before finally sliding  them around to the tops of his feet, which once again surprised him were quite ticklish.


Eventually I allowed the brushes to travel slowly up his legs, spending a few minutes on the sensitive backs of his knees, before heading up his thighs.  He laughed and yanked at the ropes but also became aware the brushes were heading to his crotch area.  "No, c'mon!" he cried out in protest the closer they moved to his helpless, swollen balls.  "Don't do it!"


I stopped though, and moved to the side of the bed, not only giving him a moment to collect himself but also positioning myself next to his crotch so I could get better access to his cock and balls.  I took one brush and placed the spinning bristles against his uber-sensitive balls.  His response was immediate, crying out loudly and thrashing as much as the ropes allowed.  He was soon roaring with laughter as the bristles spinning at 200 RPM were placed lightly against his balls, exploring both balls slowly.


Meanwhile, I took the other toothbrush and began sliding it up the sensitive underneath side of his shaft.  His laughter and pleas for mercy amped even higher in volume and pitch.  I proceeded to torment his cock and balls with the two brushes for a couple of minutes while he roared and pleaded for mercy.  At one point, I grabbed his shaft with my left hand and then used one of the electric toothbrushes to explore his super sensitive cockhead.  That truly drove him out of his mind, especially whenever the bristles slid across his piss slit.  It was the most intense torture I'd subjected to him in this session, so I only worked his cockhead for a minute or two before giving him a break to catch his breath.


"Oh my God!" he finally blurted out when he'd regained his composure.  "That was soooo bad!" was all he could manage to describe the torment of his cock and balls as.  I just laughed and turned on one of the brushes again, using it to explore his bound and helpless torso.  The bristles traveled across his abs, dipping into his belly button to produce a particularly fun reaction, and  eventually traveled up his side, across his ribs eventually reaching his massive pit.  He really lost it when I starsted exploring his ticklish pit with the spinning bristles.


After a couple of minutes  exploring every inch of his pit, I slid the bristles down to his nipple.  He cried out as soon as the bristles hit his sensitive nip, delivering a sensory overload of a mixture of intense tickling along with slight pain.  I alternated between nips just to keep him on edge for a couple of minutes before giving him a rest.  As a reward for surviving such an intense session, I returned to massaging his dick with lube bringing him to the brink of shooting his wad.


Looking at my watch, I realized we only had about 12 minutes left in our session so I grabbed the toothbrush and started working his balls while I kept stroking excited cock.  The closer he came, he cried out warning me he was going to shoot.  I decided to let him this time pushing him to and over the edge with the mixture of intense ball tickling and stroking his cock.  He finally shot and the trail of sperm shot into the air several feet.


I coaxed every drop out of the spent stud.  But I wasn't done.  I knew his cockhead would now be super sensitive so I kept stroking even after nothing more was coming out.  The more I stroked and tickled his sensitized cockhead, the more frantic he became yanking at the restraints and arching his back off the bed. "Please!" he finally cried out. "That t-t-t-ickles!  Like a mother....after I shoot"


"Dude, I know," I said softly, confident to the point of cockiness. I used some of his cum to lubricate his cockhead and lightly tickled, squeezed and stroked him to drive him crazy.  "I know how bad this can be, which is why I can't help myself!" I added with a chuckle while he thrashed and pleaded for mercy.


I finally relented after a couple of minutes and let him catch his breath.  I glanced at my watch and saw I still had four minutes left on the clock.  "So, Austin, have you ever been tickled after you shoot?" I asked


He just glared at me.  "Dude, c'mon, haven't you had enough?" he asked in frustration.


"Truthfully?" I asked flashing a devilish smile.  "I don't know that I can ever get enough.  But the reason I ask is that many guys don't realize after they shoot, they actually become MORE ticklish. A LOT more ticklish actually.  Hie eyes opened wider, clearly panicked by the idea that he might be even more ticklish than he already was.


"Oh, man, c'mon...." he said, a pleading tone in his voice.  "You aren't going to tickle me now are you?"  he asked, glancing down at his helpless sweat-drenched, cum-soaked body.  He clearly had no idea how much a question like that turns me on and makes me want to pounce. I just smiled and began dancing my fingers in his exposed pit.  He lost it, immediately roaring with deep, loud laughter and yanking on the restraints.


"Damn, Austin," I said as I tickled him.  "I think indeed you are even more ticklish now that you've shot.  I couldn't imagine you being more ticklish.  But here you are!"  I laughed and kept up tickling both of his pits for a full minutes while he begged for mercy and thrashed as much as the ropes allowed.


I eventually moved my hands down his torso, giving his ribs and obliques some attention. Then moved to his feet, with only a minute left on  the clock.


"C'mon, man, not my feet.  PLEASE!" he said helplessly, knowing full well it would not deter me.  I proceeded to tickle his poor helpless soles for a full minute non-stop while he laughed, pleaded and thrashed at the ropes until the alarm sounded indicating the hour was over.


"Alright, man, you've been a trooper," I said as I began to unfasten the restraints around each wrist.  He pulled each arm down and moved it around to try to regain feeling and movement.  I moved to the foot of the bed and couldn't resist taking another shot at tickling his still-bound feet, which expectedly caused him to cry out and sit up, reaching for his feet to try to stop me.  "C'mon man!" he cried out. "I'm going to have to charge you more if you keep tickling me after the hour is up."  He flashed a teasing