The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Dad Has to Suffer the Consequences

by Foot Lover

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I’ve loved feet ever since I could remember, the first feet that I fell in love with were my dad’s feet, before I even knew what a foot fetish was his feet stirred something within me. Dad worked several jobs growing up, he was a driver, did construction and worked at warehouses, etc . I remember each time he got home from work I would help him pull off his work boots and fetched him his beers. It all stopped when I got close to puberty. He began to remove his own work boots, I recall a feeling of rejection.




His attitude changed towards me because I was “girly”. I recall him telling mom that I should join some sports to man up. Him and I became distant but my desire for his feet only grew. He would take naps on the sofa, his feet up on the arm rest, I would walk by and quickly sneak whiffs of his socked feet, during summer it was even better as he napped barefoot many times. His feet always mesmerizing me, I recall going back and forth just to be able to sniff, I could stare at them all day they were simply perfect to me.




After HS, I left for college to become a nurse. I explored my foot fetish which branched off into other sub-fetishes, such as tickling, bdsm, etc. I was able to experience so much and meet so many foot lovers like me, online and on dating apps. My closest friend was David in his 30s, he does real estate, and doesn’t live too far from me. I love coming over his huge home and have fun in his dungeon. He is very kinky and I learned so much from him he’s like my foot fetish fairy godfather.




My relationship with dad was almost nonexistent I rarely saw him, and conversations were always kept pretty short as we didn’t have much in common, each time I spoke to mom she would bring up the issues she’s been having with one being his gambling problem and the other being his drinking problem. He was on and off at jobs, but nothing consistent.  She really wanted a divorce, I fully supported her and I also believed she was completely unhappy. They eventually divorced each moved out on their own. After that I didn’t hear from dad for months. One day I get a random call from dad it was awkward but he asked if he could crash at my place for a few weeks until he found somewhere to stay. I wasn’t too thrilled, but if he was reaching out then he probably really needed help, I told him that I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment but that we could make it work. I spoke to my mom about it, and she agreed for me to help him out for a bit, after all he was my dad.




When I finally saw my dad he looked great for a 44 year old blue collar. He stood at 5’10” and still had a strong build but I could see the beers around his waist a bit. His facial hair neatly trimmed as usual. Again there wasn’t too much to talk about but we did our best to catch up on each other lives.  I showed dad my place, he was cool with staying on the couch . He quickly made himself at home, helped himself to the beers. I got ready for my 12 hour shift, 7pm to 7am, later that night. When I finally got home after that long shift I saw a few empty IPA beer bottles in the kitchen. When I looked towards the  living room, at the sofa, I saw something that was all too familiar on the arm rest. I could feel my heart pounding thru my chest instantly. I froze as I saw his bare feet on that arm rest. I was mesmerized by his pink soles once again after so many years. I walked towards the sofa and his sofa snoring became audible. A few more beer bottles on the floor by him, and the TV on. I walked by his feet on the arm rest, and just like I did as a teen, I leaned in and took a deep whiff, that delicious masculine aroma caused the small dim ember within me to explode with burning raging lust. I regained composure, felt my heart pounding and cock throbbing against my pants. I was much more experienced now than I was as a teen, I wasn’t scared to get caught by mom anymore in case she happen to walk by, it was just dad and I now. As an adult, now I completely understand and can process the feelings that his feet stirred within me that I couldn’t before as a teen with raging hormones. And now as an adult I know I also know exactly what I want to do with dad’s sexy feet. Thoughts and ideas were running wild in my head.




He passed out with most of the lights on, so the lighting was perfect, I knelt on the floor next to his feet, leaned in and inhaled deeply. His scent just as delicious as before. I sniffed up and down his hot soles focused my nose under the toe area. I grabbed my phone and began snapping pics of my dads soles. For the first time I was able to admire and study his feet closely. His size 11 feet looked amazing. He has a nice round pink heel, looked perfect for nibbling, his deep pale arch look perfect for nestling my hungry mouth. The outer edge of each foot and the balls of the feet looked so flavorful. His toe nails were neatly trimmed, hair on each toe, his toes not too short not and too long, gradually descending from the succulent big toe to his cute pinky toe. Overall his feet looked very masculine and well maintained. After taking pics and videos of his feet at different angles I put my phone down.




I wanted to see if he was a deep sleeper or not, he fell asleep with all the lights on, so brightness doesn’t phase him. The TV is on and I was loud when I came in, so sound doesn’t phase him either. Finally I blew air on his foot, no response. I poked his big toe with my finger, no response. I pinched his big toe, no response. I gently ran my finger down his sole, no response. That was my green light! My mouth watered and cock pulsated as I knew exactly what was going to happen next. I started sniffing up and down his right sole, my nose and lips making contact, I began very gently kissing up and down his sole while inhaling deeply. My lips began parting and and my tongue was finally set free! I began to rub my cock thru my pants. One gentle lick, then two, the three, I started tongue lapping his foot, they were as flavorful as I imagined, lightly salty. I started gently sucking the outer edge of his foot making my way up to the toes, I looked over at his face and he had not shifted one bit, his light snoring also remained constant. I could feel my cock oozing with precum. I quickly I thought to myself, dad’s feet were finally mine, as I engulfed his tasty toes, gently sucking on each one, my tongue swirling around each toe learning the flavor and shape. I love snaking my tongue between each succulent toe, making sure to relish the flavor between each crevice. After making sure I licked the savor off every inch of his right foot, I moved on to the left one. I began feasting, just as delicious as the right one, as a sniffed on and suck on his foot I started stroking my cock thru my pants, his manly scent along with his flavorful sole made me bust so hard with almost no effort. Later that week I enjoyed his exquisite feet once again, realizing that he was a very deep sleeper, especially after drinking.




One day, David and I met for dinner. During dinner we were able to catch up I told him that my dad was staying at my place he was looking for a job to be able to get back on his feet and eventually find his own living arrangements. He said that he could use a handyman at some of his properties, which was great! I knew he was kinky but I wasn’t sure if I should share my recent experiences with dad’s feet or not, I was hesitant, as nobody really knew that his feet drive me wild. Once I got home I let dad know that good news he was excited and agreed to work for David. I checked in with mom let her know the good news, she asked if his drinking problem persisted, I reassured her that he drank often but it didn’t really cause any issue for me, she asked me if he’s become stubborn or aggressive, the question perplexed me, I asked her “Why mom was he aggressive with you?” She paused and said “No I was just wondering, I am glad he is doing well” I pressed her on it for a bit but she didn’t elaborate on anything. It was definitely unsettling, I wondered if he ever became violent with her. I had never really seen him drunk, just passed out after drinking.




Later that week I asked dad how it had been going with David, he said “that guy has a nice place”. I laughed and agreed with him. David had messaged me “Hey! Don’t take this the wrong way but your dad is handsome!” I was extremely hesitant but I responded with “Haha yes! check out his feet” followed by one of the many pics I’ve taken of dad’s hot feet. “HOT and hot that you are into your dad’s feet as well!” was what he responded. I was relieved that he didn’t judge me for it. It became a ritual to feast on dad’s delicious feet once or twice per week. I couldn’t have enough, his feet had more scent and flavor than usual probably because he was working now.




David and I went out one night with several of our friends I was able to tell David in person what was going on with dad’s feet. He loved every second of it. After several hours of being at our favorite gay bars we parted way and took an Uber home. Right before getting home I get a call from David . “Hey this is really bad, but your dad broke into my house, I don’t know if we should call the police, he looks out of it, I can smell alcohol in his breath, he had several of my Rolex watches in his pocket, luckily I got here in time, he tried to make a run for it but I was able to apprehend him.” I could feel my face flush and stomach turn, I was shocked. “What?! OMG! I am so sorry! I did mention to dad that I was going out with you, but I would have never guess he’d do this shit I am on my way!” He responded with “Yea several things have gone missing since he started, but I am sure that we can work something out, I have an idea, you might like it if you are on board, see you in a bit .” My cock came to life as the call ended. I know David too well...




Once I arrived I was very apologetic to David, I was so embarrassed as well, and asked where my dad was. He said “Look I can call the police, press charges, and go that route, or I can go my route, and have some fun with him and forget all this ever happened” I froze as I knew exactly where David was going with this. We discussed further, and came to an agreement. Unfortunately I couldn’t defend my dad’s actions, he was at David’s mercy, and he had to suffer the consequences...

to be continued...