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Foot Odor Delight


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All feet sweat! Some guys will say no to that fact but they do!

Sweat glands are located through out the surface of the foot and their job is to release the heat from the lower body area through the blood circulated, thereby helping regulate the body temperature! So all feet smell to some degree due to the moist area around these many sweat glands! An inactive foot can smell as bad as an active foot trapped all day in a boot but most don't! Soap and lotions can temporarily lessen or cover up the smell but the smell is always present!

Some peoples foot sweat glands are much more active than others just as some sweat from other body parts sweat more or less. Socks are intend to provide some damp control and in fact do capture moist sweat and the foot odor connected with the glands release! Like a cock releasing its load, the foot does that continuous, some more or less, just like the cocks load volume released, some big some just a dribble!

That’s is why some inactive people still have stinky feet and their socks, if worn can smell pretty bad! Of course even without the socks the smell can be gagging to some foot lovers nose! And when you have a chance to service someone’s feet for the first time you just don't know what awaits you! I have had foot odors smell up a room for days after the person leaves! Odor from just one person! But what a delight in conquering that smell!

Usually within 5-10 minutes or longer, in some cases, the person servicing the feet adapt to the smell as it becomes one with their own body odor! The sock is a sponge like accessory intended to hold sweat and some do a better job than others again depending on the person! Some guys wear multiple pairs of socks to collect the moist from the glands and of course those who choose not to wear socks leave it to whatever foot wear they have to sponge it up! Thin socks work for a few but thicker are quicker to sponge up the sweat!

The nose of course lets the brain and eyes and mouth know what is what when you lower your face within inches of a foot! Shoed the foot odor can still be offensive and cause a gagging reaction generated by the nose of the foot service or just getting into position! But some guys want the full blast and do get just that if they service feet on the run! Fresh out of the shoe or boot or slipper you are going to get the full monty! The heat, the moist, the odor and related bacteria smells like a fungi!

The foot servicer or slave has a major task, depending on the recipient’s general hygiene and the last meal eaten! Heavy oils and garlic odors mix with sweat deposit moist and can be a major obstacle to a good foot sex job! Kinda like choking on a big cock! After repeated choking the sex act or interest wanes! The person with the big cock puts it away! So a foot slave or worshiper needs to prepare for the worst and accept the best foot conditions if he doesn’t want to offend! He needs to generate a sexual mood for bulging purposes usually brought on from foot play, to complete the sexual act and eventually swallow the load!

Thin or worn out socks with holes and the like do little to capture the moist! Particular guys with good hygiene throw such socks away! The less particular and dirty guys usually don't even make sure the socks match! Inside or out, dirty or clean they go on the foot usually covering up dirty smelly feet, which escape, bathing most times! Until someone wants to get close to the toes and then they become uncomfortable for they know their feet stink! And in most cases must be talked into the act of offering their feet to you!

The idea to get way down under a dominating male and gravel at his feet is as old as time! It is a way of showing servitude and when you pleasure your male you have done the job a foot worshiper must do! The odor is just part of the experience to enjoy!

Keep those feet clean even if it means hours of licking and sucking of the foot skin and socks, to remove toe debris that adds to the foot smell!