The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


I Remember Feet

by Da Ole Guy

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Wellllllllllll as you know, I consider myself a footologist.  Ever since I could remember, the sight of a nice male foot aroused me.  At first, being young and naive, I didn’t know what it was like to see a nice well rounded big toe, with clean nails, and smooth heels.  Any foot was a triumph to me.  When I was a kid, Bass Weejun penny loafers were in style, the college prep boy would wear them with white athletic socks.  Suede moccasins were worn with out any socks often.  Now that was a peep show.  

Almost every Father or Grandfather would change into the scuff or mule style of house slippers.  Even if the child would get just a little bit rambunctious, the slipper double as something to give the kid a smack with.  Those are the days that I grew up with.  What about you?  Did you have any similar experiences?  I even met a guy one time that had a callous on his feet,  To my surprise, it was not repulsive.  In fact it was quite erotic when he used his feet to stroke my skin.

  Now I am not one of those hot studs who could have anybody they desire, so I am average and I am always checking out feet.  The stories that I will be sharing with you are true stories and experiences unless I tell you otherwise.  I am using these true stories to let other guys know that, there are guys out there who love having attention to their feet.  You can be working with them, going to school with them or living on the same street with them.

I will be submitting a few experiences and stories, and they wont have a long prelude as this one, but I just wanted to introduce myself.  You will be see my stories as Dah Ole Guy.  Some of you guys have already emailed me and told me that you have enjoyed my story.  And for those of you that enjoy the other ones, let me know.  If you ever come to Kauai definitely let me know.

Okay now here is where it gets juicy.  Living in Hawaii, has broaden my horizon.  That of Oriental Men.  Now guys this is my take on the matter.  Oriental guys love receiving stimulation and touch.  I remember back in the 80's when I had my first Japanese Supervisor, Dennis.  I was always curious about is feet.  Never saw them, but was dying to.  Have met a lot of them at clubs and I have been into little tickling and toe sucking sessions with them, and they jump and giggle.

But my best is one I will tell you about now, you will not believe me.  You will swear that I am lying but I am not.  I work in an office and I had always had dreams of giving a guy a foot massage with his feet up on his.  Like you guys I never had either the opportunity or the guts to do it.  Except this time I will call him Gordon.  Local Japanese guy of about 40, and salt and pepper hair.  Slight built but with a smile and teeth that can make even a statue smile back.  I never worried or inquired about his sexuality.  That didn’t matter, I had always wondered what his feet looked like.  From his shoes, he would be a size 9.5 and he seemed to have wide feet.  This was a new concept for me.

One Saturday morning I was at the local discount store and who should be behind me?  Gordon poking me in the back and laughing.  What was better?  He had on slippers.  Slippers are the mandatory uniform of the day for any local boy.  You have your work shoes, church shoes, and 4 pairs of slippers.  Slippers for go out to dinner, Slippers for play ball, slippers for go surf, and an extra pair you just keep in your truck.  I have pinched many of those hehehehehehehehe   Oh sorry I got off track.

Gordon had manly feet.  I dreamed of them from that day on.  How can I touch them?  Many times Gordon would slip his feet out of his shoes.  I couldn’t stand it.  The day came when I could make my move.  He complained of a headache and guess what I did?  No I did not give him a foot massage, I gave him a shoulder massage.  I started doing it every time I would see him in his cubicle.  So that got him comfortable, and I was able to see his comfort level with me. 

Next, the time I had been waiting for.  Gordon had his feet up on his desk.  I casually picked up his foot and started to give him a good foot massage.  Oh I had him now.  I tried tickling him through his socks but he was not ticklish at all.  Darn it.  I was ready to die right then a happy camper.  Next few nights, I would fantasize of him having a whole in sock so that I could feel the sole of his foot.  But Gordon is very neat about himself and he would never do that.  Only one time did he wear the same socks two days straight.  I was massaging his feet both days too.

Wait, it gets better.  I had gone to his home one night for a party, his wife and parents and whole family were there.  Later, Gordon comes and sits by me with his feet in slippers on the same bench.  Every so often he would poke me with is foot as he talked.  Hmmmmm could this be a sign?  So few days later at work, I made a little joke and I told him that if he would do something for me, I would massage his feet this time without his socks.  He just giggled.  So that afternoon when I went to give him his little foot massage,  the moment of truth, I pulled off his sock.  So afraid that he would protest.  But he didn’t.  Beautiful soles no calluses  little bit of dry skin around the heel, but I had something for that, I used a lotion.  To my surprise he did not protest there either.

I know you would think this is a story, but it is true.  For almost six months I would go into Gordon's cubicle pull off his shoe and sock and massage his feet.  I wonder often what is he thinking?  I would kid him and smell his feet when he told me they must stink.  He would laugh.  The only time that he has said any protest was when I playfully bit his big toe, maybe I did go too far, but I still give him shoulder massages and hand massages everyday and regularly pull off his shoes and do his feet.  I live for the days that I play with feet. 

Now you guys there who are wishing you can get some feet, you wont get no feet to you try it.  Men love foot massages will later tell you of some guys I know who will even endure tickling.  Drop me a line and tell me how you are doing.


Until them, I am just

Da Ole Guy