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Tickling Revenge On Julio

by Rodrigo Pantoja

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Julio and Francisco had tickle tortured me 3 weeks ago and I was excepting the right time to take revenge.

It was Friday when a friend told me that Julios parents had left to Canada so I decided to go to his house in the night just to chat. We were alone in the house and after a long talk and a couple of vodkas I said that I couldn’t drive like that and had to stay in is house He accepted but as he knew I wanted to take revenge of the tickling he told me to sleep in his bedroom because he will sleep in his parents. So we went to bed.

I woke up early in the morning and went to my car to to take the ropes I had and then I went to Juliosparents room and there he was, sleeping in boxers. Julio is whiteskin 5.8 feet tall, 165 lb and and size 11. I carefully tied first his right arm, then the the left one. When I was finishing tying his right feet he started to wake up so I quickly had to go and tie the left feet.

-¨What is this man? What are u doing?¨ he asked.

Remember the tickling 3 weeks ago, well this is my revenge!

-¨Hey no! that was Franciscos idea, Let me goo! Im innocent! Im sorry I swear! ¨, now he was really awake.

-¨Too late dude!¨, and I started tickling his pits softly with my fingertips.

¨hahahaahhahaha nooooo im sorryyyy!!! Please don’t tickle meeee!! Hahahahahaahahaahaha¨ and I started to tickle him harder.. ¨hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahha noooooooooooooooooooo hahahahahahaahhahaha please stoooooooopppppppp hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha¨

Julio was really ticklish, he was struggling trying to get rid of the ropes but he couldn’t, I kept tickling his pits for at least ten minutes .

Then I went to his chest, I started pointing his chest with my fingers, tickling his nipples, and I don’t know if it was because he was shirtless but that drove him crazy

¨hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah NOOOOO NOT THEREEE hahahahahhahahahahahahahaha EVERYWHERE BUT THEREEEE jajajajjajajajajajaa ¨

-¨this is not even the begginig dude.¨ I said and kept tickling him

-¨hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahah IM SORRY MAAAAAAAAN hahahahahahahaha i PROMISE I WONT DO IT AGAIIIN HAHAHAhaha IM SORRYYYY. DONT TICKLE MY NIPLES PLEASEEE STOOOOPPPP hahahahahahaha¨I didn’t care for his screams, I needed revenge for that day. After his chest I went to his hips and abs, tickling very hard cause I knew that’s the way hes more ticklish.


-¨Why dint u stop 3 weeks ago when I was asking fotr it huh? I WONT STOP! ¨ I SAID.

-¨hahahahahhahaha sorry about the other dayyyyy hahahahahaha tha wont happen again hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha ¨

With a nonstop tickling I kept tickling hi with one hand on the abs and took the other hand to the inner thighs.

¨ÖMG NOOOOO hahaahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahhahahahha im beging youuu hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah I CANT BREATHEEE hahahahahahahahaha ¨I stopped for a while, and then took my two hands to the inner thighs!. He was in hysterics.

-¨ hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha THAT’S WORSE THAN THE NIPPLESSSSS hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha¨ after a couple of minutes of that s topped again. I knew his was most ticklish oon his feet and I decided that he had the right to revocer before I start.

During the five minutes break he didn’t stop begging me to untie him but I still wanted revenge. Then I started with his big and soft feet. I started with fingertips and nails in his archs, soflty tickling and then going faster and faster

-¨ hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha STAY AWAY HAHAHA FROM HAHAHAHHA MY HAHAHAH FEEET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAa… NOOOOOO hahahhahahahahahhaa hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha
I think you are living this i said, and i was getting hard just by lokking at him, was was trying so mych to get out, it was incredible, couldnt stop laughing while i was tickling his sweaty soft feet.

hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha PLEAAAAAAAASEEEEE I CAANNNTTT HHAHAHA STAAND ITTTT HAHAHAHHA IM BEGGINGG YOUUU hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha.

After his plants I went to his toes, I was just grabbing the right foot. hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahaaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha NOO HAHAHA NOT THE TOEEES HAHAHA that’s the worst spoooooooot hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha¨ I had no intentions to stop and tickled his right foot for five minutes and then the left for five minutes.

As I wanted something worse than what they di to me I stoped and went to the Kitchen to find something, and in the fridge I found the perfect thing. CREAM!.

I came back to the bedroom and there he was recovering of the worst tickling of his life.

And he saw me coming woth the cream.

-¨Now what are u doing man! Im not your strawberry! ¨

I know I said, but your bellybutton is. And I put cream on his belly and then started licking it!


U like this huh? I asked

Noooo he said I pay u to stop!

How much?


Not enough! And continue licking the cream in his belly

hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha.. 30!!!! . I Stopped.

-¨let me see if I make u raise the offer¨ I said. Then I put cream on his feet.

NO PLEASE!! DON’T DO THIS ON MY FEET!!.. I dindt say anything and started licking the ceram of his feet and toes¨

hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha.. A HUNDRED!! I PAY U I HUNDRED!! hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha.

i was liking and biting softly his creamed feet, my face was all covered with cream and Julio was really wild tring to get out,

hahahahaha NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hahahahahahhahahaha NO MOREEEEEEEE hahahahhaha

Then I took his mom hair brush and used in his creamed feet.. he was insaine crying ehile i was using the brush fast on his feet

NOOOOOOOO hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha,, TWO HUNDRED AND I WILL HELP U TO TICKLE FRANSICO hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha

Are u sure"?"i asked.

hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha YEEEEEEEESSSSSSS hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha IM SURREEE BUT PLEASE STOOOPPPPP hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahaha.

After a long time minutes of licking and brushes, I accepted the offer.

I stopped and he paid me two hundred and will help to tickle Francisco…