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Fear Of Being Caught


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Hank and I had been seeing each other for about a year when he hit me with the awful news that we could no longer continue our affair. I was devestated.

I had met him at a local piano bar one friday nite--he was sitting at the bar with a friend and discussing the days events when he glanced my way and began to smile.

I smiled back thinking to myself, "this could be someone I could really to like . I was taken by his style and the way he carried himself in the designer suit he wore.

He had short wavy hair. His strong shoulders were for a heavy man but his eyes were captivating. They were brown but piercing and intoxicating. After a short while of eye contact Hank proceeded to come over to where I was
and began introucing himself. I was lost....

We continued talking and he explained he had been married for 18 years, was a ceo for a company in up New York and would like for me to meet him there for lunch the next day.

I went ...and the rest is history.

Well a year has passed and as far as I knew everything was the same until I called him.

Hank sounded different then usual today--sort of anxious to end the phone conversation. I asked several times what was wrong but he would not answer. After about 5 minutes of usless begging Hank hit me with the big one, he no longer wished to see me anymore. Something to do with his fathe-in-law coming back to the company and resuming his role of president of the corporation.

I told Hank we needed to talk but insisted we no longer speak and that I please stop calling him. He hung up!

I was so hurt I didnt know what to do. Hank had become a part of my life and I was furious at being treated like some old stock he was trying to unload.

I would teach ole Hank a lesson....

I decided I was not the type to take revenge, but I still wanted to confront him so I went to his office to speak to him and maybe work this out. 12:30 pm I knew it was lunch time when I got to Hanks office. Hanks secretary was out for lunch but I noticed Hank was still in the office when I knocked on the door. A voice from inside said "come in" probably thinking it was the secretary. I open the door and sitting at the end of a long conference table was Hank going over some papers.

To Hanks surprise he found me standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" he said.

"I came here to talk to you about the phone call earlier"

"Get out of here right now" he said "I have an important meeting here in 10 min with all the stock holders and my father-in-law".

I proceeded to the end of the table where I was telling him how much I needed him in my life and that we could work it out. Hank wouldn't hear any of it.
Hank was about to get up and show me out when we heard voices on the other side of the door. It was the other stockholders and his father-in-law.

Hank began to get nervous and thought for a second and said.

"please get under the table and keep QUIET".

I ran to the head of the table and slid under between the two wood blocks that formed the legs of the table, noone would see me there.

The members all came in and hellos were exchanged as all began sitting around the table. Luckly I sat at the end where Hank would be.

From above I could hear the meeting starting as I saw Hanks legs slide close to me under the table.

As the meeting progressed I pondered what Hank had said and done to me earlier and how he had hurt me. I began thinking of ways to get even untill it hit me. I looked down at Hanks legs and remembering that once I had teasingly tickled his feet and was told in a stern voice never to do that again as he was extremly tickelish. I saw he was wearing his designer silk black socks
with his expensive black italian loafers.


I reached for his legs and felt Hank begin to pull back, but as he could not afford to be discovered with someone especially a man under his desk he was completly powerless.

Vengence would be mine....

I began to run my hands along his ankles and up his calves ... and I could feel Hank tensing his muscles.
Then without notice I reached for his ankles and raised them, causing him to shift in his chair trying not to be noticed. I rested his feet in my lap and undid my belt to tie it around his ankles so as to have complete freedom with my hands and fingers.

I heard Hank cough and reach under the table waving his finger as to tell me "NO" and to STOP what I was doing.
My fingers gently slid over the italian leather and gently scratched at the soft silk that encased his feet. I was in heaven at this moment, Im sure Hank was sweating under that designer suit as he felt my hands begin to remove his shoes.

The sweet smell was orgasmic as it hit my nose as the leather released its contents. As I slid the shoes off I could see the skin thru the sheer silk and almost
taste the dampness. With one stroke of my index finger along the soft damp material I saw his toes begin move and wriggle. These feet were mine for my pleasure of the

I knew Hank was probably going insane up above trying not to show any emotion from the torture I was inflicting below. I gently tickled his heels to his toes and gently scratched under each waiting toe. Hank's feet were in agony....

After a while of this torture I decided it was time to remove his sox and explore his bare soles. I stoped for a min to allow Hank to come to reality giving him hope that the torture had ended only to feel my fingers begging to slide off the silk material.

Hank began to squirm more now. What I hadent realised was that Hank's feet are their most tickelish when bare.
I slowly began to slide the soft silk down his leg and over his heels as I gently began stroking every inch that was becoming exposed.

Finally his socks were off and his beautiful bare feet were at my disposal. I continued stroking them over the tops and the soles then gently licking each toe while tickling the arches.

Hank must have been going wild inside his head.
After a while I remembered I had a pen with me so I reached for it and began to run it along his soft helpless flesh.

Hank's toes went wild.

I then began to take his toes into my mouth to suck on them as i continued my torture. I could feel his toes wiggling around in my mouth as I scratched and
teased those tender feet of his.

At one point I glanced up and saw his crotch was buldging and thought to my self "If i could get to that, my plan to get even would be complete".

As I continued tickling his bare feet I reached up to his crotch and began to unzipper it, Hank squirmed as the zipper opened and I reached in and released his hard cock.

I continued my torture on Hank for what seemed like hours until I began to have some regrets about leaving him like this. I gently moved closer till I could take his cock into my mouth while still continuing to tickle his feet and began to lick and suck it.

Hank must have been going crazy--unable to show any sign of pleasure or laughter.

I continued sucking till I felt him begin to throb and grow harder and harder. I could feel his breathing beginning to deepen but I was going to show him what he will be missing. I licked and tickled and at one point I tied his balls with his socks. Hank could not take any more of this I guessed, so I decided it was time to
finish him.

I licked his cock and nuts as I tickled his feet. I was speeding up on the tickling of his feet as I felt him nearer his orgasam.


Right into my mouth was the strongest orgasm I had ever felt Hank have in all the year we were together, I dont know how he did it, but Hank had one of the most violent orgasms of his life without so much as a sound.

Hank just kind of slumped into the chair as I closed his zipper and gently continued to play with his feet.
The meeting had finally ended and all were beginning to leave.

As I had no time to put his socks back on I quickly pushed his feet into his shoes and watched as he began to rise from his chair. I remained very still and quiet hearing everyone leave about to exit my little cave of revenge when I heard his father-in-law say "Great meeting Hank--I'm proud of you, you'll make a great owner someday."

I smiled to myself, but before he left Hank's father-in-law said "just one thing though Hank; Next time wear socks with that suit ...It's the corporate way."

When all were gone I came out from under the desk and was suprised to see Hank smiling ....

"How could I ever have thought of giving you up?" he said. "Honey!! We will have to have more meetings like this in the future!! AFTER ALL IT IS THE CORPORATE WAY!"