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Shoe Shopping Can Be Lucky

by Bill

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It started out as just another boring Thursday night, I decided to waste some time and drove over to one of those shopping strips. Since I have a major foot fetish I decided it might be fun to wander over to the Shoe Warehouse and see if there would be any good foot sightings. I wondered up and down the isles with the men’s shoes for about 15 mins and was getting bored, as it was mostly older men or guys who were just not my type. I know that many guys with a foot fetish like to find men in dress shoes and dark socks, but give me a blue color guy in some sweaty socks after a long day any time.

I finally decided to give up and go walk around some more and have a smoke. I walked up and down the outside of the stores looking in the windows for about a half hour or so, and decided it was time to head home. I wondered back towards my car and as luck would have it I had to walk past the show warehouse one more time. As I was approaching the front of the store, my night started getting very interesting. Just as I was approaching the doors to the store, there he was. He was about 6 feet tall, 190 pounds, dark brown hair, about 26 and very good looking. Here was my dream man standing in front of me, wearing a button up shirt with a BMW logo on the pocket, navy blue cotton work pants and a pair of lace up work boots. The boots looked large and had the look of being well worn, lots of grease stains, and worn spots, these boots had spent many a day on this hunks foot. I finally looked up and it was clear from the stains on his shirt and paints this guy had just come from a long day at work at the BMW Garage.

My heart seemed to skip a beat when he pulled open the door to the shoe warehouse and walked in. Luck again was with me since there are large windows all along the front of the store, so I got a cigarette and decided to watch where he went in the store, I didn’t want to be too obvious about following him in. I watched as he started walking over towards the men’s shoes, and walking up and down the isle. I decided it was time to head in and see if I could at least get the pleasure of watching him unlace the boots and trying on some shoes. I didn’t pay much attention to the people working in the store as I walked though, I was on a mission to get to the back area where I saw him stopped now looking at shoes. I decided to play it cool and wandered back to the isle he was in and just started looking at the boxes of shoes and pulled some boxes out and restacked them on the shelf. Hell I thought it would look like I was shopping and looking for my size.

Luck was with me again, as always in these discount stores there was no help anywhere to be found, next thing I know this hunk in work boots is standing next to me, and telling me he really needs to find some sandals and some comfortable walking shoes since he is going on vacation next week. I point out there is a large selection of sandals to choose from and its really best to just try on some different styles and see what feels best on his feet. I got bold and suggested he try the Birkenstocks or maybe he might like some of the ones you just slip on. He shook his head and told me its just his luck that he has to start trying on different shoes when he is dead tired, he had been working a 12 hour shift and the last thing he wanted to do was try on shoes. He then tells me it’s been so long since he has even bought a pair of shoes he doesn’t even know what size he wears. By this time I am wondering what I have done to get so lucky to have this great looking guy telling me about his tired feet that have been in boots all day. Then it hits me, I didn’t change cloths after work that day. Here I am in tan Dockers, a navy golf shirt and dress shoes, straightening boxes in a shoe store, he thinks I work there. Looking around fast I realize there is no staff anywhere near us. Even better I can see one of those tools on top of the stack down by the chair that you can use to check your shoe size.

Well I decided to seize the moment, I just smiled at him and told him I could help him determine what size foot he had and find some sandals that he might like. He flashed me a smile of gratitude and told me that would be great. I walked down and grabbed the measuring tool and asked him to have a seat. I know I was pushing my luck when I knelt down in front of him and asked him to give me his foot. As he stretched his leg out, he asked me how the tool would measure his boot to find the size. I just smiled and told him I was going to unlace his boot and take it off then measure his foot to find the size. He pulled his foot back and told me I didn’t want to do that, so I asked him why. He told me he had these boots on for 12 hours and they really make his feet stink, that they get so bad after a day in boots his family wont even let him take them off in the house, that he takes off his boots and socks in the garage when he gets home then goes right to the shower. He doesn’t even put the socks in the laundry basket until the next day so they have time to air out in the garage over night.

Well this is too good to be true, so I told him I was used to the smell of feet and it doesn’t bother me I have been doing this for so long. He told me he didn’t think he would enjoy a job where he had to smell other men’s feet all day and that I was really going to be sorry if I took his boots off. I was rock hard at this point and couldn’t have stood up if I wanted to without his seeing what this conversation was doing to by cock. I was also amazed that it never occurred to him that in a discount shoe warehouse, there really wasn’t going to be any staff to unlace his boots and measure his feet. But at this point I wasn’t interested in how smart he was, I just wanted to smell his feet. So I told him not to worry about if they smell, I could handle it, and I reached out and pulled his foot towards me.

I unlaced the boot and gently pulled it off his foot, out comes a long slender foot clad in a dirty white sock that is clinging to his foot. I made sure I ended up with his stocking foot in my hand as the boot came off, and was thrilled by how wet it was from his sweat. Well this man knows what he was talking about, his foot was very ripe from the day in these boots, and it had that strong musty smell of leather and sweat. I was in heaven, about a minute after the boot came off, he pulled his foot back and started to apologize, telling me he could smell how bad the odor was and that it must be really bad down as close to his foot as I was. I told him it didn’t smell that much, he told me I must be kidding as he could smell how bad it was, I grabbed his heel and pulled it straight to my face and put my nose right in the joint where the big toe meets the foot and took a big sniff. I then looked up and smiled and told him if it was that bad I could never do that. He relaxed and said fine if you don’t mind smelling my feet, he wouldn’t stop me from doing my job. I got a quick measure and found he had a size 12 D, so I wasted no time in getting a few pairs of size 12 sandals and glanced around to make sure no one was near.

I got back on my knees and took his foot and started pulling off his sock, this got his attention and he asked me what I was doing. I pointed out that he would not be able to tell if they fit with the socks on, he pointed out that his feet would smell worse when the sock came off. He was right; I was rewarded with a sweaty smelly sexy foot in my lap when that dirty white sock was peeled off his foot. Being the good foot slave I am I proceeded to wipe the lint off his foot and rubbed by finger between each toe and was rewarded with a nice moan of pleasure from my mechanic. I then started massaging his foot, which surprised him, so I quickly pointed out that if his foot were tense it would be hard to get a good fit. He just leaned back and said that it felt so good he didn’t care how the shoes felt; I could just keep relaxing his foot. Well I finally put the sandal on his foot and asked him to walk around in it. We went thought this same process for each of the four pairs of sandals, and he finally decided which pair he wanted. I decided to finish my fun and as I took the sandal off his foot, I held on to his foot while I reached for his sweaty sock. I then rested his foot in my lap as I started getting the sock ready to go back on his foot. He told me he could do that himself, that I didn’t have to put his sock back on, but I told him I didn’t mind. Clearly he was enjoying the service, because he just stretched out his leg into my lap and leaned back in the chair. That’s when it happened my hard cock could be contained no longer, when he stretched out his leg his foot hit my cock and that was all it took I started Cumming in buckets. The spasm of pleasure just kept Cumming as I pulled his sweaty sock on, and put the boot back on his foot. God the release feet so good, I had not come in my pants like that with out stroking my cock in ages, all the while I am holding this sweaty size 12 in my hand.

I boxed up his sandals and handed them to him, I used the other box to hid the wet spot that I could tell was spreading over the front of my Dockers. As I stood up I pointed him towards the check out and told him they could ring up his purchase at the counter. He thanked me for the help and walked away. I figured I better get out of there and walked to the front of the store, and walked out the door. I stopped to light a cigarette and was very glad it was dark by now, so that my wet spot would not be too visible. Next thing I know here is my stud standing next too me, he smiled and said we had forgotten to find him some walking shoes. He told me he was too tired to do it now, but wanted to know when I would be working again to help him. Before I could answer he started laughing and told me not to even try, the check out clerk had told him I didn’t work at the store. Before I could even come up with a good story about why I had helped him, he smiled and asked if I had enjoyed smelling his feet. I told him I enjoyed it a lot, and wished I had thought to suggest he try on both sandals so I could have taken off his other boot. He just looked at me and said I should have since I only got to sniff his foot the one time. Dam I couldn’t believe he wasn’t pissed about the trick I had just played on him. I started to walk away before, and as I turned away he asked me if I lived alone. I told him I did, and he asked if I had any beer at my place. I told him I did and he just smiled and said he could use a beer, and the other foot could use a good massage too. Like I said it was my lucky night, I pointed to my car and told him to follow me home so I could take care of both feet.

Lets just say my night got better and better, But that’s another story…