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The Socks From Hell


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The Puget odor was immediate as first one then another Nike was kicked off! Those size 11feet had been trapped in their sweaty chamber for some time! Bands of sweat stain were evident on the well worn ankle high "Olympus" logo socks which at one time had shown an emblem of gold and black on white! It had been a long time since these beauties had seen soapy water and although wet from sweat they were already crusting up as the air once again dried the sweat into the already dirty socks! Socks now resting on the back of my seat just inches from my face! What had I done to attract these feet to me? They smelled like sweaty leather and I could not wait to get them in my face! And, they kept coming closer until with a slight turn in his seat the right foot rested under my chin and pulled back hard against my throat! I knew the if I permitted this to continue that I was in for some heavy handed abuse! And I was right! Just doing nothing was the signal he needed that I was submissive and he pulled harder with his sweaty right foot against my throat while jamming his left sweaty sock into my nose with such force that I thought it was broken! Oh, what could be next! Take my socks off with your teeth he moaned! As in a coma I obeyed my master who would have me chewing the sweat clean from his socks before giving a complete tongue bath of both rank meaty feet! But that was just the introduction! He stood up yanking my head to one side and feed me yet another foot, this one which was hard and firm and provided a warm milk drink shortly to wash the salty taste from my mouth! Then as quickly as he had arrived he was gone leaving me in pain feeling used, but with heavenly tastes of his salty bodily fluids!