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Sam's Skater Feet

by MaleFootSniffer

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Sam was a skater at our school. He was in my class and since our first day,
I had a big crush on him. His short dark hair and beautiful brown eyes were
so cute. He was about 6"1 and had the most gorgeous smile.

The boys in my class were always mentioning when they farted and how bad
their feet smelt after they had been skating, which always turned me on. It
was hard for me to contain my excitement from them when they mentioned
something like that, but I managed.

One day I was sitting at the back of the bus on the way home from school
with Sam and his friend Dan. They were joking around as they,d usually do
and then for some reason Sam reach down and pulled of his sneaker saying,
"Sorry for the smell, guys." As soon as he said this, my erection started to
grow. My eyes went straight to look at his feet. He was wearing lovely white
socks, which looked very well worn. They had little holes in them and you
could see small bits of his foot through them. I tried to hide my excitement
from my friends while taking big sniffs out of the air to try to get a whiff
of his lovely feet. I also kept my eye on Sam to make sure he didn't notice
what I was doing. He was holding his shoe and examining it closely when he
turned it round, looked inside the shoe and took a little sniff out of it.
His face wrinkled in disgust and he said to himself, "Woah, they do stink!"
This made my erection grow even bigger. He took another sniff and smiled. He
seemed proud of the stink. He suddenly put his shoe over my nose and held it
tightly to my head so I had to breathe in through it. I didn't wait long to
take a big deep sniff from the confines of his still warm from his foot
shoe. As soon as I took that big sniff, I knew I had to have his feet. The
smell was slightly cheesy but it also smelt strongly of vinegar. I could
tell he wore these sneakers a lot. I kept on taking big breaths from the
shoe while faking disgust. Sam was laughing and I thought I saw a little
rise on his pants. Was he enjoying this as much as me?

"My feet stink a lot worse after I've been skating, don't they Dan?" he
asked turning to face Dan. Dan nodded in agreement and said, "Your feet
reek, Sam. How can you be smiling? Andy will pass out if you don't take your
shoe off his face soon!" Sam laughed, apologized to me (I should've been
thanking him) and put his shoe back on. I got off at the next stop and went
straight home to jack off. I had a great night thinking of his feet in those
dirty white stinking socks.

No one mentioned that day for a few weeks. I couldn't stop thinking about
it. I couldn't stop thinking about how good his feet must smell when they
are straight from the shoe. I wondered if he ever wore his sneakers without
socks (judging by the reek of them, I wouldn't be surprised).

One weekend we were all planning to sleep over Dan's house for the weekend.
This was in the middle of July and the weather was boiling outside. Still,
Dan and Sam insisted on skating all day, and I was just happy watching them.
Watching their feet, mostly. I was waiting in anticipation for the night I
had been dreaming for. I was excited because Sam only remembered to bring
one pair of socks with him, although he was staying at Dan's house for most
of the week. And he had been wearing those dirty, falling apart sneakers
that had been in so many of my fantasies. I couldn't wait until we got home
and he took of those stinking shoes. Just the thought of it made me hard.

When it did get dark, and Dan and Sam couldn't be bothered skating anymore,
we decided to go back to Dan's house and watch some tv. Dan's room was full
of dirty socks, pants and other things lying across the floor. It did stink
pretty badly. Dan wrestled with Sam and ended up sitting on his face and
farted. He started having a coughing fit and he said that he felt he was
going to be sick. The room stinked of Dan's B.O. and farts. I was happily
sniffing away at the beautiful stench in the room and Dan seemed proud of
himself. After Sam recovered a bit, he said, "It's time for me to get my own
back!" And with that, he started unlacing his sneakers.

Dan noticed this and straight away jump up and tried to run out of the room.
But Sam managed to trip him up, and Dan's head fell down right next to Sam's
ankles. Sam was laughing but Dan looked really scared. I was getting really
turned on by this and was looking at what Sam was doing. As soon as he got
Dan securely in a headlock, he said, "I've had these same socks and shoes on
for 6 days. Skating around all day in the blaring sun, they must be a bit
smelly, don't you think?" He grinned as Dan began to panic. I started
rubbing myself through my pants as all this was going on.

Sam continued, "I feel very sorry for the poor person that's has his nose
near these sneakers when I take them off. I mean they smelt putrid before
but I haven't changed them in just under a week. Imagine how they smell
now!" Sam stuck his index and middle fingers into his shoe and rubbed them
up and down the bottom of his foot and on the bottom of the shoe. He took
his fingers out and brought them up to his nose and took a little sniff. His
eyes instantly opened very wide and he started to retch. "Woah! They fucking
reek. God! They've never been this bad ever before! That is disgusting!"
That made Dan panic and struggle so much that he nearly got free but tripped
over again before he could get to the door.

"We wouldn't want you missing out on having my lovely smelling shoe in your
face" Sam said as he finished untying his laces, pulled of his sneaker and
quickly tied it round Dan's head. As soon as he pulled his shoe off his foot
reek escaped. It stank out the room. His foot was putrid beyond belief! Even
he cringed at the smell of it. His before white sock was now mostly yellow,
especially around the toe and heel areas. The holes in the sock were bigger
now and his big toe was wiggling through a hole. I thought I could see a
green aura around his whole foot. Dan was trying to hold his breath for as
long as he could but he was quickly running out of air. Without realizing it
he quickly drew in one big breath through his nose and obviously regretted
it. He started retching after his first sniff and soon started struggling
and trying to pull the reeking shoe off his face. Sam thought this was
hilarious and was laughing at him. He started crawling for the door and just
collapsed in front of it, still being forced to sniff Sam's foot sweat. I
was taking big sniffs of Sam's reeking feet and rubbing myself as hard as I
could. Sam noticed me doing this and looked over at me questioningly. "What
are you doing? Do you like the smell of my feet?"

"No, of course not." I replied as quickly as possible but Sam could tell I
was lying. He grabbed my leg and pulled me over towards him. He yanked his
other sneaker off and placed both of his hot, stinking, crusty socked feet
down on my face. This released more of his hot foot reek into the room. I
couldn't resist the urge and suddenly took in a big sniff of both of his
feet. The stink was absolutely vile. I felt totally revolted yet I couldn't
stop sniffing. This was my ultimate fantasy coming true. Sniff after sniff
and Sam began to grin at me. He was enjoying this as much as me. He took
his socks off and placed one over my nose, and stuck one in my mouth. His
sock was very salty yet quite tasty. I was lying on the floor smelling and
tasting his 6 day old foot sweat. He pulled down my pants and starting
massaging my dick with his moist bare feet. They slid everywhere and it felt
great. He then wondered what his feet smelt like up close so he picked up
his other sneaker and tied it around his head. He took big sniffs of his
putrid sneakers and started masturbating over his own foot stink!

Here we were in Dan's room, the whole room stinking off Sam's terrible foot
odor and me lying on the floor sniffing and tasting his dirty white socks
while Sam was sniffing his own shoes, masturbating and giving me a footjob.

We kept on doing this for about another 3 minutes until I exploded all over
Sam's feet. He then told me to lick all of the cum off. "Remember and lick
every little detail. I don't want to see any toejam or anything else still
left on my foot after you,re done. His feet tasted exactly like his socks
but they were a lot saltier. After licking my own cum off of his feet, he
stuck his big cock in my mouth and blew his load down my throat, making me
swallow every single drop while he sniffed all his foot reek out of his rank
skating sneakers.

After we cleared everything up, sprayed the room a bit to get rid of the
stink and removed Sam's shoe from around Dan's head, Dan started to wake up.
He wondered what had happened and Sam just said, "I didn't know my feet
smelt that bad. Sorry, Dan."

No one ever found out about what happened that night but it was the start of
a long series of sleepovers for me at Sam's house. We done the same thing
almost every weekend (Sam wearing his socks for longer, sometimes not
wearing any at all so his feet would really stink) until we left school and
went our different ways.

I haven't seen him since then. But I do still have one souvenir of the whole
thing. Sam let me keep his foul smelling shoes.